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Showing 341 news items about Housing

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  1. Controlling short-term lets

    Planning permission required for Edinburgh’s short-term let conversions.

  2. Transforming heating in homes

    Zero direct emission plans for all new buildings. 

  3. Delivering on child poverty commitments

    Report details investment and actions in key areas.

  4. Building a net zero future

    New measures to slash carbon emissions from housing stock.

  5. 50,000 affordable homes target reached

    Delivery at highest rate since 2000-01.

  6. Quarterly Housing Statistics, June 2022

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  7. New benefit to help with winter fuel bills

    Low Income Winter Heating Assistance will support 400,000 households.

  8. Working together to fix cladding issues

    Single Building Assessment programme expanded.

  9. Transforming derelict land

    Grants awarded from £50 million fund.

  10. Annual Housing Statistics, 2020-21

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

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