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Showing 189 publications about Economy of type Consultation paper or Consultation analysis

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  1. Short term lets - draft licensing order and business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA): consultation

    This consultation seeks views on the Scottish Government's short-term lets draft Licensing Order and Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA). The Scottish Government intends to lay the Licensing Order at the Scottish Parliament in September 2021.

  2. New Year's Day trading for large retailers: consultation

    Large retail businesses are currently able to open on New Year’s Day. This consultation is being held to seek the views of shop workers, retail businesses and others on whether the current law should change so that large retail businesses must close on New Year’s Day.

  3. Fishing - additional quota allocation - 2021: consultation analysis

    This document provides an analysis of responses and outcome to the ‘Consultation on the allocation of Additional Quota for 2021’.

  4. Manufacturing recovery plan: consultation analysis – March 2021

    Summary report presenting the findings to a consultation on - "Making Scotland's Future: A Recovery Plan for Manufacturing". In addition, Annex 1 within this document signposts to a range of public sector funded support initiatives and organisations available to help manufacturers.

  5. Regulation of electricians: consultation analysis

    On 23 November 2020 the Scottish Government launched “A consultation on the regulation of electricians”. A total of 100 responses were received. 44 responses were from individuals and 40 from organisations, while the other respondents did not specify.

  6. UK dolphin and porpoise conservation strategy: consultation

    A discussion paper on the proposed aims and actions for the UK Dolphin and Porpoise Strategy.

  7. National Islands Plan through a COVID Lens: survey results

    Summary of key findings after the six main local authorities with islands were invited to consider the impact of the (COVID-19) pandemic on the delivery of National Island Plan commitments and how these should be prioritised going forward.

  8. Establishing a Scottish Nitrogen Balance Sheet: consultation analysis

    An analysis report summarising and describing the responses to the public consultation on establishing a Scottish Nitrogen Balance Sheet

  9. Energy efficiency, zero emissions and low carbon heating systems, microgeneration and heat networks for homes - skills requirements: consultation

    Consultation on proposals for energy efficiency, zero emissions and low carbon heating systems, microgeneration and heat network skills requirements for homes in support of our draft Heat in Buildings Strategy.

  10. Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP): call for evidence

    This Call for Evidence seeks input on actions to modify and enhance the range of support mechanisms currently provided by Scottish Government through the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP) for development and delivery of large-scale low and zero carbon heat in buildings projects.

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