
Scottish Crown Estate strategic management plan - EIA not required: declaration

Scottish Ministers' decision not to carry out a full Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) at this moment in time.

Equality Impact Assessment not required declaration : Scottish Crown Estate: draft Strategic Management Plan

Policy title Scottish Crown Estate: draft Strategic Management Plan
Which National Outcome(s) does the policy contribute to?
  • We value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment.
  • We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe.
  • We have a globally competitive, entrepreneurial, inclusive and sustainable economy.
Directorate: Division: team Marine Scotland, ACRE, Crown Estate Strategy Unit
Policy lead responsible for taking the decision David Mallon

The Strategic Management Plan (the Plan) is a high level document. It is not anticipated to directly impact on equality. The intention is that the objectives, priorities and policies in the Plan will either be neutral or positive in their impact on wider communities.

The Strategic Management Plan is concerned with the future management of Scottish Crown Estate assets. The Plan promotes community influence in decisions that impact land, foreshore and sea and should include all members of co mmunities.

The Strategic Management Plan will impact on the current manager of the Scottish Crown Estate assets, Crown Estate Scotland (Interim Management), and those who wish to manage assets in the future through mechanisms in the Scottish Crown Estate Act 2019. This includes local authorities, community organisations and Scottish harbour authorities.

All the above factors, could, once the provisions are commenced, have an indirect positive impact. However, any such impacts will flow from how individual managers take decisions within the overall legal framework once it has been introduced. This includes the development of individual Management Plans. It is expected that these decisions would not be targeted at or disproportionately or specifically affect a population group.

Individual managers' plans could have impacts and they will be required to carry out their own EQIA when developing plans or policies.

I confirm that the decision to not carry out an EQIA has been authorised by:

Name and job title of Deputy Director

Mike Palmer
Deputy Director
Marine Scotland: Aquaculture, Crown Estate, Recreational Fisheries, EMFF and Europe

Date authorisation given
20 August 2019



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