
Housing statistics quarterly update: December 2019

Trends in new build housing starts and completions by sector, and the Affordable Housing Supply Programme.

Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update (published 17 December 2019)

This quarterly statistical publication provides information on recent trends in:

  • New build housing starts and completions by sector (up to end Jun-19, with more up-to-date social sector information available up to end Sept-19)
  • The Affordable Housing Supply Programme (up to end Sept-19).
  • Long term empty properties and second homes (as at September 2019)

Background information including Excel tables and explanatory notes on data sources and quality can be found in the Housing Statistics webpages.

Chart 1: Annual all-sector new build starts and completions have both increased in the latest year, and are approaching levels last seen in 2007 and 2008 (years to end June)

Chart 1: Annual all-sector new build starts and completions have both increased in the latest year, and are approaching levels last seen in 2007 and 2008 (years to end June)



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