
Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004: Part 7 - Antisocial Behaviour Notices: Guidance for Local Authorities

Guidance for Local Authorities on the Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004 Part 7 - Antisocial Behaviour Notices

Who this guidance is for

1. This guidance deals with an additional power available to local authorities attempting to deal with cases of antisocial behaviour. It is available where the antisocial person lives in or is visiting a house which is let from a private landlord.

2. The guidance is primarily directed towards antisocial behaviour teams in local authorities. But another option for action in these circumstances may be to use powers linked to the registration of private landlords so registration lead officers should also be aware of the nature of the power dealt with in this guidance.

3. Depending on local arrangements, the antisocial behaviour team may wish to share this guidance with other partners.

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