
Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014-2020 Stage 2: Final Proposals

Stage 2 document setting out the final proposals for the new rural development programme period (2014-2020).

Annex F: Equalities Impact Assessment

Title of policy/ practice/ strategy/ legislation etc. Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP)
Minister Richard Lochhead
Lead official David Barnes
Officials involved in the EQIA name team

Matthew Cormack

Angela Morgan

Liz Hawkins




Directorate: Division: Team

Agriculture, Food and Rural Communities

Agriculture and Rural Development

Is this new policy or revision to an existing policy? Revision to existing policy


Policy Aim

The SRDP sets Scottish Ministers' goals for sustainable rural development and the types of support that will be available to help achieve these goals over the seven years of the new programming period 2014-20 using European Union funds - particularly the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) - and co-funding from the Scottish Government.

The SRDP 2014-20 is a seven year programme of assistance delivering social, economic and environmental benefits across rural Scotland. It follows on from a previous SRDP which ran from 2007 - 2013. Similar types of activities will be funded under the 2014 - 2020 Programme, which means the lessons learned and experience gained through the current Programme can be built upon.

There are six key EU priorities for the new programme:

  • Fostering knowledge transfer, co-operation and innovation;
  • Enhancing competitiveness, promoting innovative technologies and sustainable management of forests;
  • Promoting food chain organisation & risk management;
  • Restoring, preserving & enhancing ecosystems;
  • Promoting resource efficiency & transition to low carbon economy;
  • Promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development.

These priorities are also priorities for the Scottish Government and there are clear links to the National Performance Framework.

The new SRDP will primarily support the following National Outcomes:

Who will it affect?

Although the programme will primarily benefit farmers, foresters and other land managers, wider society will also be influenced by the provision or maintenance of employment in farming, forestry and food and drink related industries. Many schemes also enhance the environment which may again be of benefit to the wellbeing of wider society by increasing biodiversity in local areas and widening access to the countryside.

What might prevent the desired outcomes being achieved?

  • Poor financial or policy settlement from Europe/UK Government.
  • Economic downturn and knock on effect to the amount of available national funding.
  • The delay in introducing the SRDP causing a gap in funding in some areas. Draft European legislation for transition has been produced which will allow some key elements of the Programme to continue in 2014. However, it is expected that the full programme will be in place for January 2015.
  • Poor market conditions for certain sectors or industries.
  • Inclement weather affecting biodiversity projects and farming productivity.
  • Poor schemes design which means less funding goes into job creation, environmental access or social development projects. Ineffective communication which means funding is concentrated on a few informed stakeholders.

Stage 1: Framing

Results of framing exercise

An equalities review was undertaken by Rural Science and Analysis Unit (RESAS) to identify the key data sources and literature available with a view to consider the different challenges and opportunities for equalities groups living in rural Scotland. The full report will be available on the Scottish Government website in due course but the key findings are summarised below.

The key findings were:

1. Lack of Evidence - The review used the best available evidence but found that for some of the equalities groups contemporary research is scarce.

2. Demographics - The rural population is slightly older than the urban population. There are problems with out-migration of young people from rural, and especially remote rural areas in Scotland due to lack of educational and employment opportunities and affordable housing.

3. Disability - There is a lower proportion of disabled people in rural areas than in urban areas, although there is a higher proportion of disabled people living in remote small towns.

4. Diversity - There is less diversity in rural areas in terms of race and religion. There is a slightly lower proportion of the population in rural Scotland identifying as gay lesbian or bisexual although the validity of sexual orientation data is limited.

5. Gender - There is some evidence to suggest that women's contribution to the economy in rural areas may be particularly undervalued due to some of the work being underpaid or unpaid as helper spouses to farmers, hoteliers etc. There are 5 farm businesses run by males for every 1 run by a female (EU Farm Structure Survey, 2010).

6. Transport - There is a high reliance on the car to access key services in rural areas, where the affordability and availability of public transport can be problematic. While relevant to all rural inhabitants, infrequent, unreliable public transport can particularly impact on the elderly, younger people, and disabled people.

7. Housing - Lack of affordable housing is a problem in some rural areas but particularly affects young people and migrant workers. There is also a scarcity of suitable housing for the elderly and the disabled particularly in remote rural areas.

8. Employment - Generally employment rates are higher in rural areas than in urban areas but this varies considerably for different equality groups and between different local authorities.

9. Education - Access to skills and training is thought to be lower in some parts of rural Scotland.

10. Health - Survey evidence shows that self- assessed general health is better than in urban areas and life expectancies for both men and women are higher in rural Scotland. However, there is evidence to suggest that accessing healthcare services can be difficult in some rural areas (particularly remote rural areas).

11. Mental Health and Stigma - Some evidence that accessing mental health services can be challenging in some rural areas. Where they do exist accessing such services can be difficult in close knit communities due to lack of anonymity. Similar difficulties arise when accessing drug and alcohol addiction services, counselling and sexual health services.

Views from the first SRDP Consultation

The policy was also informed through the inclusion of a question on equalities issues in the first consultation on the SRDP which ended in June 2013. Stakeholders were asked to raise equality issues which in their view could be addressed through the SRDP. Around 52 responses were received addressing equalities issues (38% of all responses). Issues raised included general comments around the need to address the 'older white male' bias in the rural economy; the need for a wide consultation with a full range of communities; the need for equalities issues to be addressed in the subsequent process design; and the need for better monitoring of the impact on equalities groups. More specific comments included: the need to encourage younger people into farming; the need to tackle the lower levels of economic activity amongst women; to increase IT skills so that people can access services more easily; and to ensure that the new programme is easily accessible to all (for instance for those with impaired vision, dyslexia and for whom English is a second language). As part of the development of the programme a full Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) is being carried out which will consider how, through implementation of the SRDP, we can promote actions to reduce inequalities and avoid discrimination.

Responding to the first consultation

It is worth mentioning that some of the equalities issues raised by stakeholders in the first consultation cannot be addressed solely by the SRDP. However, we have outlined below how we propose to tackle some of the issues raised in the first consultation and also illustrate some of the ways in which the proposed schemes may assist:

Older white male bias:

Current statistics suggest that land managers are predominantly male; from the larger farms there are five male farm business owners to every one female. Land managers also tend to be older, the average age is 57 and increasing each year. Much of this is the result of broader structural and cultural issues around land and land based business ownership in Scotland. Various reforms (such as the land reform agenda) are being discussed which may help to change this, but it will take time. In addition, it is hoped that the new entrants' scheme will help in addressing the age imbalance in farming.

Consultation with a full range of communities:

Both consultations have been widely advertised and we will make particular efforts to draw the second consultation to the attention of diverse community groups and consider any feedback received.

Equalities issues in process design and monitoring:

As the document shows we have simplified the process as much as possible within the EU Regulations in order to encourage a broad spectrum of applicants. We will also ask grant applicants to complete equalities information which we will use to identify gaps and think about innovative ways of targeting appropriate grants. We are also considering including equalities criteria in the assessment process for grants.

Encouraging young people into farming:

As section 7 details we are making substantial attempts to assist young people into farming through the new entrants' scheme. We will monitor applicants to this scheme to see if they reflect the population and identify ways to target specific groups if necessary.

Lower levels of economic activity amongst women:

Many aspects of the SRDP will lead to job creation. As part of the evaluation we will consider the ratio of jobs to males and females and are considering having specific assessment criteria related to this.

Increasing IT skills so that people can access services more easily:

Increasing digital access is a broad Scottish Government objective. Where it is seen to be a local priority it will be possible to use LEADER funding to pay for digital access and training projects in local areas. The RPID website is also being completely overhauled to make it more customer friendly and encourage a wide range of applicants.

Additional equalities considerations in new schemes


All members of rural communities will also have an opportunity to access funding through the LEADER mechanism which is again a key part of the new (though still draft) RDR. The aim of LEADER is to increase the capacity of local rural community and business networks to build knowledge and skills, and encourage innovation and co-operation in order to tackle local development objectives.

Equalities must be considered when Local Development Strategies are being drawn up, which will inform how LEADER funding is used locally. Examples of areas where LEADER currently support and can continue to support equality groups are:


  • Elderly - LEADER support has helped vulnerable older people living in rural areas to maintain their independence and to have better health and wellbeing.
  • Young - LEADER funding has provided opportunities to improve fitness and health and contribute to a better understanding of positive lifestyle choices amongst young people. Also, disadvantaged young people have been provided with opportunities to learn skills and gain qualifications which will improve their future prospects.
  • Nurseries - Funding has been provided for a wraparound day care facility for 1-5 year olds and the development of a community owned and managed childcare facility.


  • Improved access and the provision of new services and activities to support deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind adults and children. Projects have also been funded which incorporate disabled access and training for volunteer drivers to assist access for vulnerable and disabled users.


  • Funding has been provided for support and information services for migrant workers, enabling individuals to develop their language and other skills while translation services have helped to facilitate active citizenship and integration.

Sexual orientation

  • LEADER funding has supported outreach projects which aim to engage lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in rural areas, promote visibility of LGBT people and deliver positive, relevant messages about inclusion and respect.

It is envisaged that LEADER funding under the new SRDP will continue to support these types of projects benefitting equalities groups in rural areas in Scotland.

Scottish National Rural Network:

The Scottish National Rural Network has run events and project visits under the 2007-13 programme on a range of topics that have included 'young, gifted and rural', 'services for old people' and 'care farming'. Networking activity will continue to be inclusive under the next programme and the Rural Network can help facilitate the participation of vulnerable groups and individuals in rural development. A 'Thematic Working' approach has been proposed for 2014 - 2020. Thematic Working Groups bring people together in small groups around specific, focused areas of interest to analyse the issues, explore ideas and identify solutions. The themes will be selected in due course, but we expect that vulnerable groups and the challenges they face living and working in rural areas will be considered as a potential theme(s) for future work.

We hope to encourage representatives from different ethnic minorities and vulnerable groups to become members of the Rural Network and we are proposing to establish an Advisory Board which may include representatives from these groups.

Rural Priorities Scheme/Forestry Grants:

Access through the development of paths and improved signage has been supported through the Rural Priorities Scheme and under Forestry Grants. This has included support for all access paths allowing access for disabled people into the countryside and woodlands.

Food, Processing and Marketing Grant Scheme:

Under the current programme applicants have to provide information in relation to meeting the obligations of an employer, such as;

  • Demonstrate that they have considered equal opportunities in the design of the project (e.g. for women, ethnic minorities or people with disabilities).
  • Meet obligations as an employer under the appropriate equal opportunities legislation (such as The Equal Opportunities Act 1984 and 1995, The Equal Pay Act 1970 and the Sex Discrimination Acts 1975 and 1986).

Extent/Level of EQIA required

The EQIA is based on evidence provided in the equalities review. It is also based on stakeholder consultation and examples of projects that have been funded through the 2007 - 2013 SRDP (we expect many of the same types of projects to be funded in the new Programme).

Under article 73 of the draft RDR the Managing Authority (in this case the Scottish Government) is given responsibility for managing and implementing the programme in an efficient, effective and correct way, including under subsection (1)(i):

"ensuring publicity for the programme, including through the National Rural Network, by informing potential beneficiaries, professional organisations, the economic and social partners, bodies involved in promoting equality between men and women, and the non-governmental organisations concerned, including environmental organisations, of the possibilities offered by the programme and the rules for gaining access to programme funding as well as by informing beneficiaries of the Union contribution and the general public on the role played by the Union in the programme."

No other protected characteristic is mentioned in the EU RDR. However this EQIA has been developed so that the programme will comply with relevant Community policy on all seven protected characteristics, and in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

Any land manager, farmer, crofter, forester can apply for grants which may be paid out where relevant eligibility criteria is met. Communities too can access funding through LEADER which is the main fund directly able to address some of the problems identified in the research e.g.

Moray Reach Out - a registered Social Enterprise which provides work based training opportunities for adults with learning disabilities living in Moray.

Interloch Bute Rural Transport - a rural transport service providing assisted transport to the residents of the island of Bute. This is a door to door service for people who, for example, either through location, sickness, poverty or disability cannot access public transport.

Community Development of Elderly Services in Arran - part of the Arran component of the 'Reshaping care for older people' work currently being implemented as part of a Scottish Government initiative. It aims to improve services for the growing number of older people on Arran, to enable them to continue living independently in their own homes for longer.

Stage 2: Data and evidence gathering, involvement and consultation


Evidence gathered and Strength/quality of evidence



There are a higher proportion of elderly people living in rural areas than in urban areas in Scotland. In remote rural areas over a fifth of the population are aged over 65. This compares to 17% in accessible rural areas and 16% in the rest of Scotland.

These numbers are projected to increase even further as Scotland's population ages, with some rural areas, such as Aberdeenshire, Shetland and Orkney forecast to see large increases in this age cohort over the next 20 years.

This ageing of the population provides significant challenges for the future provision of care and other services for the elderly population, particularly in remote rural areas.

The lack of public transport facilities in some rural areas can be problematic for the elderly, particularly in accessing medical facilities and social activities, thus contributing to social isolation.

There are a lower proportion of young people residing in rural areas than in urban areas in Scotland. Around 17% of 16-34 year olds live in remote rural areas, 19% of 16-34 live in accessible rural areas, compared with 26% for the rest of Scotland.

From 2011 to 2012 all age groups in Scotland have either seen a small increase or no change in their employment rate, except for the 16-24 age group, which saw a decrease over this period.

Low employment rates can be exacerbated for young people in some rural areas by the limited opportunities for them to access training or to upgrade their skills

Out-migration of young people from rural areas is a particular problem contributing to both depopulation and imbalance in the age structure.

Evidence suggests that a lack of educational and employment opportunities along with lack of affordable housing are strong push factors in the outward migration of young people from some rural areas.

Scottish Government, 2012

Skerratt et al, 2012

Scottish Government, 2009

SCVO, 2008;

Scottish Government, 2009

Scottish Government, 2012

Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2012

Cartmel and Furlong, 2000

Jamieson and Groves, 2008


In 2011, 24.29% of the rural population reported having a disability or long term limiting illness compared with 25.81% in urban areas.

Disabled people are much less likely than non-disabled people to be economically active. UK labour market statistics (2011) reveal that just over half of all disabled people (55%), were active in the labour market, compared to 85% for those without a disability.

However, there is evidence to suggest that some areas with the highest rates of employment among the disabled in Scotland are rural areas such as Orkney and Shetland Islands.

The literature identifies difficulties in accessing medical services in some rural areas. These difficulties can be exacerbated for individuals with a disability, and in particular those experiencing mental health difficulties.

There are still areas in rural Scotland where lack of easily assessable and affordable public transport acts as a significant barrier to disabled people in accessing services.

Analysis of the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2010 reveals that the majority of people in Scotland are in strong agreement to the principle of ensuring equal access for disabled people.

Scottish Household Survey, 2011

Scottish Executive, 2004, Riddell et al, 2005

Apr-Jun 2011 Labour Force Survey

Bondi, 2009; Nicholson, 2008

Scottish Executive, 2004

Ormston et al, 2011

Gender (including pregnancy and maternity)

In some rural areas women continue to face problems of low pay, little job flexibility, poor job security and career progression.

There is evidence to suggest that women struggle to enter into education and employment in some rural areas due to lack of accessible, affordable childcare and limited public transport.

Women's contribution to the economy in rural areas may be particularly undervalued due to some of the work being underpaid or unpaid as helper spouses to farmers, hoteliers etc.

Both men and women in rural Scotland have higher life expectancies than the national average. However, accessing healthcare services, particularly mental health services can be problematic in parts of Scotland. This may have a greater implication for men as the highest rates of suicide are amongst men, with some rural parts of Scotland recording higher than average male suicide rates.

For women in particular, assessing support for domestic abuse or post natal depression can be difficult in rural communities. The available evidence on rural poverty suggests that rural women are one of the groups most at risk of poverty

UHI Policyweb, 2006

Pavis et al, 2000

SWC 2012

Scottish Executive, 2001

Boyle et al, 2005; Mcloone, 2003,

Gender reassignment

There was no research available on gender reassignment and for the purposes of this EQIA should be read in context of Sexual Orientation. None available

Sexual orientation

Figures from the Scottish Household suggest that the number of people identifying themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual is 1% in Scotland and around 0.5% in rural Scotland. However, no information at all is collected in the census on respondent's sexuality and overall information in relation to the LGBT population in Scotland is limited.

Some small scale research studies have been conducted in rural Scotland and the findings from these studies suggest that the experience of being LGBT in rural Scotland is different and more difficult than in an urban setting.

Overall, there has been a significant reduction in the levels of prejudice directed towards gays and lesbians in Scotland over the last decade.

Scottish Household Survey 2011

Stonewall study conducted on behalf of the EHRC (2009)

Scottish Social Attitudes Survey


There are relatively small numbers of ethnic minorities residing in rural Scotland.

However, it is thought that EU enlargement has impacted on the racial mix of communities, including rural ones in Scotland. Forthcoming statistics from the 2011 Census will help confirm if this is the case.

The available research suggests that ethnic minorities' experience of rurality in Scotland is complex. On the one hand the difficulties they experience are similar to the general rural population (i.e. in accessing services) but they also experience similar difficulties as ethnic minorities in urban areas, such as racism.

Evidence suggests that many ethnic minorities are engaged in semi-skilled and unskilled work, for which they are overqualified. Research undertaken on migrant labour in rural Scotland revealed that many migrants face barriers in assessing services; in particular, affordable accommodation and English language provision.

Evidence suggests that in some rural areas in Scotland it can be difficult for racism to be acknowledged let alone addressed.

Scottish Census, 2001

De Lima, 2009

De Lima, 2001

Jentsch et al, 2007

De Lima, 2006

Religion or belief

There are larger numbers of people identifying themselves as Church of Scotland residing in rural areas than in urban areas. Conversely, there are fewer Roman Catholics in rural areas than in urban areas. The proportion of respondents identifying themselves as 'other Christian' is larger in rural Scotland. Overall, there are more individuals identifying themselves as non-Christian residing in urban areas. However, the actual numbers involved are very small as collectively; all the non-Christian groups account for less than 2% of the Scottish population.

The small numbers of non-Christian groups in Scotland makes analysis problematic, particularly when trying to examine these groups individually.

There is a dearth of research on religion and belief in Scotland. This is particularly the case in a rural context. Much of the available information is from the Census 2001 and as such is quite dated. Forthcoming statistics from Census 2011 will provide more up to date information.

Scottish Household Survey 2011

Stage 3: Assessing the impacts and identifying opportunities to promote equality

Funding provided through the SRDP is vital in sustaining rural communities and maintaining populations in rural and remote areas of Scotland. Many of the schemes (such as LFASS, New Entrants, Crofting and Small Farms Support Scheme, Small Rural Business Scheme) provide targeted support which ensures fair distribution of funds in rural areas. In addition, LFASS is currently being reviewed to ensure that funding is appropriately targeted to those on constrained land.

Equalities must be considered when Local Development Strategies (which will inform local LEADER funding) are being drawn up. LEADER, the SRN and the Advisory Service in particular are all aspects of the SRDP that have the potential to support all equality groups if they come forward.

Further, as discussed above, as a result of funding provided by the Rural Priorities Scheme and Forestry Grants, access to the countryside has been improved for all. Improved signage and access paths have been particularly beneficial to disabled people. It is envisaged that funding will continue for these types of initiatives under the new Programme.

Finally, through developing our proposals the SG is also considering scoring for some schemes, and the potential for this to be used to support equalities groups is also being considered.

Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their age?

Age Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X The award of contract is based on certain eligibility criteria being met and the strength of the proposal. The eligibility criteria relate to land rather than personal factors.
Advancing equality of opportunity X

Support for your farmers and new entrants is a priority for the Scottish Government; we do not believe that there should be an age threshold. However the European RDR states that support for young farmers is only available to those that are 40 years or younger.

While the Advisory Services, which is funded in part by the SRDP, will cover all aspects of advice and knowledge transfer, it will specifically offer specialist advice to new entrants including the possibility of a mentoring service.

Other options proposed to help young people include assistance to facilitate the establishment of young farmers setting up in business for the first time through dedicated support in pursuance of an agreed business plan. Also, enhanced grant payments for capital investment in physical assets.

LEADER programme offers opportunity for older people to become involved in their communities' action groups, to develop projects that will be of benefit to older people and/or to benefit from such projects.

LEADER funding of community transport projects benefits particular groups including the elderly, many of whom do not have access to a car.

LEADER funding can support projects that are specifically targeted at young people (i.e. sports and other activities) and also provides support to young people to learn new skills and gain qualifications.

Promoting good relations among and between different age groups X The award of contract is based on certain eligibility criteria being met and the strength of the proposal.

Do you think that the policy impacts disabled people?

Disability Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X The award of contract is based on certain eligibility criteria being met and the strength of the proposal. There is nothing in the criteria that would prevent someone with a disability applying, although many of the schemes are farm and forestry related requiring physical work which may reduce uptake from disabled people.
Advancing equality of opportunity X

Funding through LEADER can be used for a variety of reasons including non-statutory community transport and IT initiatives which can potentially benefit disabled people

Measures promoted to improve access, paths etc will make the countryside more accessible for disabled people

Promoting good relations among and between disabled and non-disabled people X

Do you think that the policy impacts on men and women in different ways?

Sex (including pregnancy and maternity) Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X The award of contract is based on certain eligibility criteria being met and the strength of the proposal.
Advancing equality of opportunity X

LEADER can be used to fund childcare facilities which will then support parents/guardians (particularly women) back into the workplace.

Projects that support diversification into non-agricultural activities often provide opportunities for other family members particularly woman and younger people.

Promoting good relations between men and women X

Do you think your policy impacts on transsexual people?

Gender reassignment Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X The award of contract is based on certain eligibility criteria being met and the strength of the proposal. There is no reason to believe that the policy will have a detrimental impact on transsexual people.
Advancing equality of opportunity X
Promoting good relations X

Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their sexual orientation?

Sexual orientation Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X The award of contract is based on certain eligibility criteria being met and the strength of the proposal. There is no reason to believe that the policy will have a detrimental impact due to sexual orientation.
Advancing equality of opportunity X LEADER can support equalities groups, including those related to sexual orientation, in the community.
Promoting good relations X There is the potential for local projects to use LEADER funding to undertake awareness strategies or good relations campaigns.

Do you think the policy impacts on people on the grounds of their race?

Race Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X The award of contract is based on certain eligibility criteria being met and the strength of the proposal There is no reason to believe that the policy will have a detrimental impact due to race. However many schemes are for land managers and access to land is difficult.
Advancing equality of opportunity X Funding through LEADER can be used to enhance community integration particularly through the provision of English language classes to ethnic minorities.
Promoting good race relations X As above

Do you think the policy impacts on people because of their religion or belief?

Religion or belief Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X The award of contract is based on certain eligibility criteria being met and the strength of the proposal. There is no reason to believe that the policy will have a detrimental impact due to religion.
Advancing equality of opportunity X
Promoting good relations X

Stage 4: Decision making and monitoring

Identifying and establishing any required mitigating action

Have positive or negative impacts been identified for any of the equality groups? YES
Is the policy directly or indirectly discriminatory under the Equality Act 2010[2]? No
If the policy is indirectly discriminatory, how is it justified under the relevant legislation? N/A
If not justified, what mitigating action will be undertaken? N/A

Describing how Equality Impact analysis has shaped the policy making process

There is no need to amend the policy as it is non-discriminatory and the programme is being developed in line with European and UK equalities legislation. Although this EQIA has identified, on the limited research that exists problems faced by equalities groups the new programme will have no negative effect on these groups. On the contrary the programme will fund a wide range of projects which should benefit everyone in rural Scotland. Examples of the types of project which can be funded are set out in the stage 1 Framing section.

Monitoring and Review

The monitoring and evaluation framework developed for the SRDP will collect information on the age and gender of the schemes beneficiaries. We are currently considering the addition of disability into this framework.

Stage 5 - Authorisation of EQIA

Please confirm that:

  • This Equality Impact Assessment has informed the development of this policy:

Yes checkbox checked No checkbox unchecked

  • Opportunities to promote equality in respect of age, disability, sex (including pregnancy and maternity), gender reassignment, sexual orientation, race and religion or belief have been considered, i.e:
    • Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation;
    • Removing or minimising any barriers and/or disadvantages;
    • Taking steps which assist with promoting equality and meeting people's different needs;
    • Encouraging participation (e.g. in public life)
    • Fostering good relations, tackling prejudice and promoting understanding.

Yes checkbox checked No checkbox unchecked


I am satisfied with the equality impact assessment that has been undertaken for the Scotland Rural Development Programme 2014-20 and give my authorisation for the results of this assessment to be published on the Scottish Government's website.

Name: David Barnes
Position: Deputy Director
Authorisation date: November 2013


Email: Julie Brown

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