
Scotland CAN DO action framework: building on our vision to become a world-leading entrepreneurial and innovative nation

Action framework describing where and how we are investing and working with partners to become an entrepreneurial and innovative nation.

Ministerial Foreword

by John Swinney MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth

Scotland CAN DO was launched in November 2013. Developed collaboratively with partners from across the public, private and third sectors, the document marked a step on our continuing journey towards becoming a world-leading entrepreneurial and innovative nation. In it, we together set out priority areas where we would act in concert towards that goal. Just as importantly, we espoused our shared values that enterprise and growth must be accessible to all and for the benefit of all.

The initial commitments contained within this document act to demonstrate the seriousness of resolve with which Team Scotland takes this call to action. Let us be clear though; they are only the beginning.

Over the coming year we will further develop the outline proposals we have also highlighted. That way we will ensure that we continue to work together towards Scotland once again being acknowledged as a world-leading entrepreneurial and innovative nation.

John Swinney MSP photograph

John Swinney MSP signature

John Swinney


Email: Tom Craig,

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