
Planning improvements for disabled pupils' access to education: guidance for education authorities, independent and grant-aided schools

Guidance to support responsible bodies in the development and maintenance of accessibility strategies.

Appendix E Checklist for use in planning ICT - further support

1. The questions below are more specific and based on six key points shown as Italicised headers below.

2. Each point has been developed into a series of statements - column 1

3. Each statement has a question prompt - column 2.

4. The tool can be used in a number of ways, for example:

  • To inform procurement discussions and decisions
  • As a questionnaire for use with schools
  • As a way of phasing in improvements in both access to the curriculum and to the physical environment
  • To consider how quickly adaptations can be made for an individual disabled pupil to be able to access the curriculum at the same time as his or her peers.

Specific questions about the Accessibility Strategy

Specialised items of hardware and software, such as an alternative keyboard, mouse or switches can be added easily.

Specialised items of hardware and software, such as an alternative keyboard, mouse or switches can be added easily.

Software needed by pupils with disabilities, such as speech output or screen magnification, can be installed

Software needed by pupils with disabilities, such as speech output or screen magnification, can be installed

The full range of accessibility options within the operating system can be utilised, for example, to slow down mouse speed or keyboard repeat rate, or to enlarge screen fonts or reduce screen clutter.

The full range of accessibility options within the operating system can be utilised, for example, to slow down mouse speed or keyboard repeat rate, or to enlarge screen fonts or reduce screen clutter.

Equipment can be placed in accessible locations so that wheelchair users can reach the keyboard and see the screen.

Equipment can be placed in accessible locations so that wheelchair users can reach the keyboard and see the screen.

Access privileges are flexible enough to enable staff to make necessary changes to afford access (for example, to adjust control panels or save individual settings for specific programs)

Access privileges are flexible enough to enable staff to make necessary changes to afford access (for example, to adjust control panels or save individual settings for specific programs)

Personal devices used by pupils for curriculum access can be connected to the school intranet.

Personal devices used by pupils for curriculum access can be connected to the school intranet.


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