
Unconventional oil and gas: understanding and mitigating community impacts from transportation

Research into understanding and mitigating community impacts from transportation related to unconventional oil and gas.

On 28 January 2015 the Scottish Government announced a moratorium on unconventional oil and gas (UOG).

Scottish Ministers commissioned a series of independent research projects into UOG to examine the potential environmental, health and economic impacts and to inform our evidence-led approach.

The research project into transport impacts was carried out by Ricardo AEA. The research aims were to set out:

  • the scope and scale of increased traffic volumes in community localities around site(s) during the four stages of unconventional oil and gas development (exploration, appraisal, production and decommissioning & restoration)

  • the range of potential impacts (and duration of impacts) of these traffic volumes, and robust regulatory and other options that could mitigate impacts for communities

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