
Scottish Government workforce information 2016

Statistics on the Scottish Government’s workforce for each quarter from 2012 up to the most recent quarter at the end of 2016.

Main Points

  • At the end of December 2016, there were 5,149 full time equivalent ( FTE) directly employed staff, a small increase from last year's figure of 5,120 at the end of December 2015. The percentage of directly employed staff in permanent (97 per cent) and temporary (3 per cent) categories changed very slightly over the year (December 2015: 95 per cent, 5 per cent).
  • There was a 5 per cent decrease in the number of contingent (non-directly employed) workers, from 1,042 at the end of December 2015, to 992 at the end of December 2016.
  • The staff sickness level was 7.4 average working days lost ( AWDL) per staff year in the 12 month period ending December 2016 (3.3 per cent of working days were lost). This is the same number of average working days lost as last year (7.4 AWDL December 2015).
  • At the end of December 2016, just over half (50.9 per cent) of the workforce were female, compared to 49.1 per cent male. The proportion of female staff has increased by 0.3 percentage points from 50.6 per cent at the end of December 2015.
  • The proportions of directly employed staff providing diversity information on ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion have all increased.


Email: Shona Rennie

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