
National health and social care workforce plan: analysis of consultation responses

'Next steps' report analysing responses to the 2017 consultation on the national workforce plan for health and social care.

1. Introduction

1.1 Acknowledgements

The Scottish Government would like to thank all individuals and organisations who took the time to consider and respond to the proposals contained in the consultation paper on the Discussion Document - National Health and Social Care Workforce Plan.

1.2 Background

Scottish Ministers wish to ensure we have the right staff for our health and social care services now and in future. Different employers in health and social care are at different stages in planning for the workforce they need. It is essential that the roles they play, individually and collectively, and the areas they influence, are well understood. The Discussion Document published on 1 February 2017 sought views on issues which will help improve planning for the health and social care workforce. These views will inform the development of the National Plan, due to be published on 28 June 2017, so that the Plan can bring about improvements where they are needed both now and in future.

The Scottish Government is working with COSLA to ensure that the relevant social care aspects are represented and implemented as part of the overarching Plan, with a further chapter due to be published later this year.

1.3 Responses

From a total of 79 responses submitted, 67 respondents gave permission for their responses to be published, and as such they can be found the Scottish Government website at:

A full list of responses to the consultation is listed in Annex A.

1.4 Liaison with Stakeholders

In addition to the consultation, the Scottish Government has engaged with RCN, BMA, COSLA, and stakeholders from NHSScotland, local authorities, Integration Joint Boards and the third and independent sectors to help develop, guide and implement the proposed new National Health & Social Care Workforce plan.

1.5 Further Information

For further information on any aspect of this Consultation Report, please contact:

Grant Hughes
Health Workforce Division
Scottish Government
Room GR
St Andrews House
Regent Road


Telephone: 0131 224 2206


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