
Scottish Budget: draft budget 2018-2019

Scottish Government's draft spending and tax plans for 2018-2019.

Chapter 13: Culture, Tourism and External Affairs

Portfolio Responsibilities

The Culture, Tourism and External Affairs portfolio promotes Scotland’s interests at home and abroad through European and international affairs. It contributes to delivering Scotland’s economic ambition by investing in Scotland’s unique heritage and culture, and its capacity for inspiring creativity and developing a compelling tourism offer.

It protects and provides access to Scotland’s historic environment, promotes the delivery of high-quality places and buildings to support Scotland’s communities and delivers major international events to attract visitors and build trade links.

The portfolio helps to ensure our diverse and evolving cultural heritage thrives and is celebrated and that our historic environment and our world-class collections are cared for and enjoyed by new and diverse audiences and future generations right across Scotland.

Our ambition is for the portfolio to raise the profile of Scotland at home and abroad and attract increasing numbers of visitors, students and businesses. Our work is predicated on the belief that culture sits at the heart of our quality of life and wellbeing, empowering, enriching and shaping our communities, and creating the right environment and welcome for people to visit, work and study.

We are committed to being a good global citizen and to playing our part in tackling global challenges including poverty, injustice and inequality.

We want to make Scotland an open and welcoming nation for people and their families to live, work and make a positive contribution to our country.

The portfolio seeks to make Scotland a destination of first choice for visitors, providing a perfect stage for world-class events and supporting our tourism industry to maximise the contribution of the visitor economy to Scotland’s prosperity.

Our Priorities

Scotland is an outward-looking nation with much to offer. Interest in Scotland and in our culture, industries, politics and environment continues to grow. As other countries reconsider their role in the world and question the value of international engagement, we remain committed to being an open, welcoming and diverse nation.

The Scottish Government continues to deepen its relationships with key countries in the pursuit of furthering sustainable economic growth in Scotland, increasing Scotland’s profile on the world stage and contributing towards the achievement of the United Nations ( UN) Global Goals. The First Minister has made clear that tackling poverty and inequality is one of this Government’s central aims and we are clear that this is not restricted to our borders – it is a global issue that needs a global response.

The result of the EU referendum in June 2016 clearly demonstrated that the people of Scotland see their future as part of the EU. Withdrawal will have profound implications for our economic prosperity, the way we live our lives and for the governance of the UK. We remain determined to minimise the damage of leaving the EU and are exploring all options to do so. We will also seek to shape the UK’s future partnership with the EU and beyond in order to promote Scotland’s trade and investment, rural industries, research and position in the world. Beyond the European Union, we will promote the message that despite the current uncertainty, Scotland remains open for business. We will continue to promote Scotland to those who wish to come and live and work in Scotland, in particular to retain the rights of free movement for our fellow EU citizens.

Scotland has a well-deserved reputation as the perfect stage for events at the local, national and international level. We have a strong track record of hosting events big and small and the sector is a major contributor to the Scottish economy. The events industry is currently worth an estimated £3.5 billion a year to the Scottish economy. Our Major Events budget will support a strong and inspirational programme of events and festivals each year that generate business, create jobs and boost the economy whilst delivering benefits to all of Scotland’s communities and build on our nation’s strong reputation and international attractiveness.

Tourism has experienced year-on-year growth in Gross Value Added ( GVA) and turnover in every year since 2011. Scotland’s tourism industry employs 207,000 people, in 14,000 registered enterprises, right across the country. In 2015 spending by tourists in Scotland generated around £11 billion of economic activity. It is especially crucial to employment and economic development in some of our most remote locations often helping to sustain our most fragile communities; around a fifth of those employed in the tourism sector work in rural areas.

The Scottish Government is committed to delivering arts for all and to giving every young person in Scotland the opportunity to access and engage with the arts through programmes such as the Youth Music Initiative. The youth arts boost the skills of those who participate, helping to tackling inequalities and make Scotland a stronger, fairer and more inclusive society. We are working with a range of partners to deliver Scotland’s Youth Arts strategy. ‘Time To Shine’ will play a significant role in the Year of Young People, including initiatives such as Sistema Scotland which will receive increased funding in 2018-19.

We will continue to support the growth of our creative industries and the creative economy, including investing an additional £10 million in the TV and film sector, to bring screen development, production and growth funding to £20 million in 2018-19, and the creation in 2018 of a dedicated screen unit to support the screen sector. Our continued investment in the arts and culture through Creative Scotland and the five National Performing Companies will help ensure that Scotland’s unique culture reaches a wide audience at home and abroad through continued provision of our International Touring Fund.

The Scottish Government is a strong supporter of National Museums Scotland, the National Galleries of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, recognising their valuable contribution to the preservation of Scotland’s cultural heritage. These National Collections play an important role in generating economic benefit and widening access and participation through free access to the permanent collections and touring and sharing of items to museums and galleries across Scotland. Across Scotland over 450 museums and galleries attract around 25 million visits per annum, generating over £79 million for our economy and sustaining over 3,500 jobs.

We will continue to improve engagement and strengthen our culture and heritage infrastructure through new investment in public-facing capital projects such as the Scottish National Gallery refurbishment and Burrell Renaissance project.

Public libraries play an important role in tackling inequalities and raising attainment. They bring real social benefits to people and communities. They offer crucial support to help people help themselves – to support literacy, digital participation, learning, employability, health, culture and leisure – to improve the quality of people’s lives.

These measures all help ensure that no-one’s background is a barrier to taking part in cultural life and giving people all over Scotland a chance to take part in culture and the arts.

The historic environment is a vital part of our heritage and our communities and it is also hugely important to the national economy, supporting over 60,000 jobs and contributing £2.3 billion to the national GVA. Its continuing care and regeneration creates local employment, supports local businesses and secures the future of precious indigenous craft skills. It enriches the quality of our lives and helps to define who we are. As the lead public body for Scotland’s historic environment, Historic Environment Scotland ( HES) will ensure Scotland’s historic environment makes a strong contribution to our cultural, social, environmental and economic wellbeing.

National Records of Scotland’s ( NRS) priorities for 2018-19 will continue to focus on developing its digital services. Over the course of 2018, NRS will take forward its work on the 2021 Census, which will be Scotland’s first census to be conducted principally through digital channels. NRS will build on the delivery of the first elements of its Digital Preservation service last year by beginning to automate the process of preservation, a step towards its ambition of a fully automated digital preservation and archive capability.

External Affairs Priorities

In 2018-19 we will:

  • sustain our efforts to secure the fullest engagement in negotiations on the UK’s future relationship with the EU, ensuring that Scottish interests are protected and promoted;
  • continue to push the UK Government to protect the rights of EU citizens resident in Scotland and Scots in other EU countries and establish the case for a differential approach to migration in Scotland;
  • continue to play a full and active part in the British Irish Council ( BIC), working positively with other members to support the Northern Ireland peace process;
  • strengthen and deepen engagement with our European neighbours and with the US, Canada, Japan, China, India and Pakistan, with a focus on education, business and culture, and work collaboratively with international and European institutions; and
  • continue to take action to help tackle poverty and inequalities in relation to some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people.

Culture, Tourism and Major Events Priorities

In 2018-19 we will:

  • continue to fund VisitScotland to deliver sustainable growth in the wider visitor economy by working collaboratively with the Scottish tourism industry and public sector partners to ensure that Scotland continues to build on its reputation as a world-class tourism destination and we achieve the shared ambition in the ‘Tourism Scotland 2020’ strategy;
  • improve access to visitor information across Scotland by modernising key VisitScotland visitor information centres, developing partnership arrangements and improving digital and online information provision;
  • deliver our commitment to inspire Scotland through its young people, celebrating the achievements of young people in our themed Year of Young People creating new opportunities for them to shine locally, nationally and globally;
  • promote the South of Scotland and Ayrshire as a tourism destination as set out in the Programme for Government;
  • create the new Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund which will help support sustainable tourism across rural Scotland;
  • continue to provide support for, and work with, partners in the planning and delivery of forthcoming major events: the 2019 Solheim Cup and UEFA EURO 2020;
  • use the European Championships Glasgow 2018, to be held in partnership with Berlin, in August 2018 to deliver this Government’s ambitions for Scotland, both at home and on the international stage and to enhance and cement Glasgow and Scotland’s reputation as one of the world’s top destinations for sporting events;
  • strengthen support for our film and TV sector to drive its growth by creating a dedicated screen unit within Creative Scotland, including the provision of an additional £10 million of funding to bring screen development, production and growth funding to £20 million;
  • develop a Culture Strategy for Scotland that will enable everyone to have the opportunity to take part in, or contribute to, cultural life in Scotland. The strategy is being developed with individuals, artists, organisations and communities across the country and will support the long-term development of culture in Scotland and show how important it is to our future;
  • we will commit provision for Creative Scotland over the next three years so that they can maintain support for the Regular Funding programme in the face of a significant decline in Lottery receipts;
  • support the long-term development of cultural infrastructure such as the creation of a permanent home for the Great Tapestry in Galashiels and the development of the National Collections facility at Granton; and
  • continue to support National Museums Scotland, the National Galleries of Scotland and National Library of Scotland to provide free access to the permanent collections.

Historic Environment Scotland Priorities

In 2018-19 HES will:

  • continue to lead the delivery of ‘Our Place in Time’: The Historic Environment Strategy for Scotland;
  • promote and deliver a range of events in support of Scotland’s Year of Young People;
  • offer grant support to help regenerate and promote the active use, care and maintenance of the historic environment, promoting sustainable economic development and reinforcing local identity;
  • provide expert advice and guidance to deliver the right balance between conservation and sustainable change; and
  • promote learning and education to enhance knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of the historic environment, delivering learning programmes linked to the Curriculum for Excellence, to National and Vocational Qualifications and to opportunities in further and higher education.

National Records of Scotland Priorities

In 2018-19 NRS will:

  • continue to produce trusted statistics including demographic and migration estimates and projections of Scotland’s population and households;
  • build on the successful launch of our redesigned ScotlandsPeople online family history service to further improve the customer experience and develop new and existing markets; and
  • continue to play a leading role in progressing Scotland’s Data Linkage Framework strategy to securely deliver data research projects that benefit the public.

Spending Plans

Table 13.01: Culture, Tourism and External Affairs Spending Plans (Level 2)

Level 2 2016-17
Draft Budget
External Affairs 13.8 15.8 17.3
Culture, Tourism and Major Events 205.7 226.2 248.7
Historic Environment Scotland 45.0 45.5 41.1
National Records of Scotland 28.4 37.3 37.2
Total Level 2 292.9 324.8 344.3
of which:
Fiscal Resource 240.6 273.3 296.9
Non-cash 16.0 19.5 17.7
Capital 31.3 27.0 24.9
Financial Transactions 5.0 5.0 4.8

Table 13.02: Culture, Tourism and External Affairs Spending Plans (Level 2 real terms) at 2017-18 prices

Level 2 2016-17
Draft Budget
Exte rnal Affairs 14.0 15.8 17.0
Culture, Tourism and Major Events 208.8 226.2 245.1
Historic Environment Scotland 45.7 45.5 40.5
National Records of Scotland 28.8 37.3 36.7
Total Level 2 297.4 324.8 339.3
of which:
Fiscal Resource 244.3 273.3 292.6
Non-cash 16.2 19.5 17.4
Capital 31.8 27.0 24.5
Financial Transactions 5.1 5.0 4.7

Table 13.03: External Affairs Spending Plans (Level 3)

Level 3 2016-17
Draft Budget
British Irish Council 0.1 0.1 0.1
International Relations 13.7 15.7 17.2
Total 13.8 15.8 17.3
of which:
Fiscal Resource 13.8 15.8 17.3
Non-cash - - -
Capital -

What the External Affairs budget does

The External Affairs budget supports the promotion of Scotland and its interests at home and abroad. It contributes to the positioning of Scotland on the world stage, particularly through our international development work and recent work with the UN and women from international conflict zones, and promotes Scotland’s international engagement through Ministerial visits. The budget also supports the attraction of talented and skilled individuals to live, study and work in Scotland.

Table 13.04: Culture, Tourism and Major Events Spending Plans (Level 3)

Level 3 2016-17
Draft Budget
Creative Scotland and Other Arts 52.6 52.1 70.5
Cultural Collections 78.7 77.0 73.4
National Performing Companies 22.9 22.9 22.9
Tourism 49.1 43.9 45.1
Major Events 2.4 30.3 36.8
Total 205.7 226.2 248.7
of which:
Total Fiscal Resource 165.2 191.4 215.5
Non-cash 10.5 11.7 12.4
Capital 25.0 18.1 16.0
Financial Transactions 5.0 5.0 4.8

What the Culture, Tourism and Major Events budget does

The budget supports free access to the National Library of Scotland, National Galleries of Scotland and National Museums Scotland and provides funding for non-national museums and libraries through grant schemes administered by Museums Galleries Scotland and the Scottish Library and Information Council. It enables the five National Performing Companies to have a major presence on Scotland’s stages and in our communities, alongside a significant international programme of touring and collaboration. Funding for Creative Scotland provides support for the arts, screen and creative industries across all parts of Scotland. The budget also supports the delivery of our programme of major events, including the European Championships in Glasgow; and the work of VisitScotland as Scotland’s national marketing body to promote Scotland and deliver national tourism and events strategies.

Table 13.05: Historic Environment Scotland ( HES) Spending Plans (Level 3)

Level 3 2016-17
Draft Budget
Operational Costs 81.6 84.8 92.2
Capital Expenditure 3.4 5.6 6.0
Less Income (40.0) (44.9) (57.1)
Total 45.0 45.5 41.1
of which:
Fiscal Resource 38.3 36.6 32.6
Non-cash 3.3 3.3 2.5
Capital 3.4 5.6 6.0

What the Historic Environment Scotland budget does

Historic Environment Scotland is the lead public body for the historic environment in Scotland, and takes the lead in delivering Scotland’s historic environment strategy ‘Our Place in Time’, in addition to having delegated responsibility for the care and management of Scottish Ministers’ Properties in Care. A significant portion of the grant-in-aid funding which HES receives is passed on to Scottish communities by way of grant schemes which fund the regeneration of Scotland’s town centres and the repair of historic buildings.

Table 13.06: National Records of Scotland ( NRS) Spending Plans (Level 3)

Level 3 2016-17
Draft Budget
Operational Costs 31.3 39.8 40.1
Capital Expenditure 2.9 3.3 2.9
Less Retained Income (5.8) (5.8) (5.8)
Total 28.4 37.3 37.2
of which:
Fiscal Resource 23.3 29.5 31.5
Non-cash 2.2 4.5 2.8
Capital 2.9 3.3 2.9

What the National Records of Scotland budget does

National Records of Scotland’s budget supports the collection, preservation and production of information about Scotland’s people and history. This includes performing the registration and statistical functions of the Registrar General for Scotland, for example by taking the census and producing a wide range of demographic data which underpin public sector spending decisions, and the archival and public records functions of the Keeper of the Records of Scotland.


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