
Pre-recorded evidence and juror decision-making: evidence review

Paper on the impact on juror decision-making of pre-recorded evidence and live-link testimony by child and vulnerable adult witnesses in criminal trials.


I am much indebted to Professors James Chalmers and Fiona Leverick (University of Glasgow), Lorraine Murray and Rachel Ormston (Ipsos MORI) and the various members of the Research Advisory and Steering Groups associated with the overarching Jury Research Project of which this Evidence Review forms a part, for their careful consideration of, and comments on, previous drafts. My thanks are also due to Natalie Kyneswood, a PhD student at Warwick Law School, for her excellent research assistance in the early stages of the literature review. My approach to writing this Evidence Review has been influenced by previous research that I conducted on jury decision-making, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, to whom I am also grateful. Discussion in Chapter Four in particular draws heavily upon that work, conducted with Professor Louise Ellison (University of Leeds).


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