Oil and Gas and Energy Transition Strategic Leadership Group


The Oil and Gas Industry Leadership Group (ILG) was created to bring together key figures from the private and public sectors to provide a strategic forum for discussion and to ensure partnership, collaboration and alignment between different parts of the industry.

The group was refreshed in late 2017 to reflect the oil and gas sector’s Vision 2035 strategy, and to shrink the membership to allow for more focused discussion, becoming the Oil and Gas and Energy Transition Strategic Leadership Group.

The SLG’s focus is twofold:

  • reflect an increasing focus on the new industrial and supply chain opportunities which the energy transition represents for the sector – through leadership and skills development, technological innovation, the development of Hydrogen and the establishment of CCUS in Scotland
  • take forward a role in monitoring and challenge the industry’s progress to Roadmap 2035, recognizing that the sector continues to play a key role in the transition to a net zero emissions economy

View minutes for meetings prior to 2017 in our archive.


  • Paul Wheelhouse MSP, Scottish Government
  • Melfort Campbell, Industry Co-Chair
  • Andy McDonald, Scottish Enterprise
  • Audrey McIver/Gavin Mackay, Highlands and Islands Enterprise
  • Gordon McGuiness, Skills Development Scotland
  • Andy Samuel, Oil and Gas Authority
  • Emeka Emembolu, BP
  • Steve Phimister, Shell
  • Andy McDonald, Scottish Enterprise
  • Collette Cohen, Oil and Gas Technology Centre
  • David Brooks, Ineos
  • Deirdre Michie, Oil and Gas UK
  • Iain Donald, Enpro
  • Trevor Garlick, Opportunity North East
  • Jim Savege, Aberdeenshire Council
  • John McDonald, OPITO
  • Murdo McIver, Petersons
  • Neil Gordon, Subsea UK
  • Craig Shanaghey, Wood plc
  • Paul De Leeuw, Robert Gordons University
  • Peter Black, Energysys
  • Phil Simons, Subsea 7
  • Richard Knox, EC-OG
  • Terry Savage, Global Energy
  • John Pearson, Petrofac
  • Arne Gürtner, Equinor
  • Rozanne Foyer, STUC
  • Mike Smith, NECCUS
  • George Boyne, Aberdeen University
  • representatives from Offshore Trade Unions




Email: oilandgasmailbox@gov.scot

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