
University internationalisation

Scottish higher education has a worldwide reputation for excellent teaching and research.

As set out in Scotland's International Framework and international policy statement, we want to help universities to continue to build educational links and research collaborations around the world.

Saltire Scholarships

We offer scholarships with Scottish universities in the areas of science, technology, creative industries, healthcare and medical sciences, and renewable and clean energy.

Find out more about Saltire Scholarships at the website.

European student mobility

We are supporting students to move between educational opportunities via the Erasmus+ initiative and a pilot scheme by the Student Award Agency for Scotland (SAAS) to fund Scottish domiciled students studying at five universities across the EU.

Scottish Bologna Stakeholders Group

Scotland is a member of the Bologna Process and European Higher Education Area which aim to increase student mobility across Europe and establish a common framework for higher education systems.

We chair the Scottish Bologna Stakeholder Group which brings together organisations across Scotland to discuss areas of interest.

International Lifelong Learning Network

Between March 2017 and October 2018 we co-ordinated and shared information on international higher education activity carried out by our partners through the International Lifelong Learning Network (ILLN).

From October 2018 ILLN work has been taken over by Connected Scotland. 

Connnected Scotland collaboration

We are a partner in a collaboration called Connected Scotland which is helping higher education institutions to position themselves as world leaders in teaching, research and knowledge exchange.

Non-EU student mobility

We also contribute funding to a number of organisations and programmes for international education including:

See also:

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