Pay transparency

As part of our commitment to be an open and transparent government, we promote the disclosure of names and salary details of senior public sector staff.

Senior civil service

Pay for the senior civil service is reserved to the UK Government. Nevertheless, we routinely publish the names, job titles and salaries for all senior civil servants at Director level and above in the Scottish Government and core directorates, its associated departments and agencies.

Scottish Government Core Directorates

View the latest senior civil service pay data.

Scottish Government Agencies and Non-ministerial Offices

Names and salary details of senior public sector staff within Scottish Government agencies and non-ministerial offices are published within each bodies’ annual report, which can be found on the following websites:

Public appointments

The Appointed for Scotland website provides a list of names and daily fees for Scottish public appointments (chairs and members).

Non-departmental public bodies and public corporations

Since October 2010 we have asked Scottish non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) and public corporations to list on their respective websites the names and salary details of members of their senior leadership teams (equivalent to senior civil service grade 2 and above).

Scottish public bodies are asked to update their information as at 30 June and 31 December each year, or whenever revisions or corrections are required.

Links to their relevant disclosure pages are listed below.

Executive NDPBs

Accounts Commission for Scotland – no employees, public appointments only

Advisory NDPBs

  • Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland – staff are civil servants
  • Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland – no employees, public appointments only
  • Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland – no employees, public appointments only
  • Public Transport Users Committee for Scotland – no employees, public appointments only
  • Scottish Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards – no employees, public appointments only
  • Scottish Law Commission – staff are civil servants
  • Scottish Local Authorities Remuneration Committee – no employees, public appointments only

Tribunal NDPBs

  • Additional Support Needs Tribunals for Scotland – no employees, public appointments only
  • Children's Panels – no employees, public appointments only
  • Lands Tribunal for Scotland – no employees, public appointments only
  • Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland – no employees, public appointments only
  • Parole Board for Scotland – no employees, public appointments only
  • Private Rented Housing Panel – no employees, public appointments only
  • Scottish Charity Appeals Panel – no employees, public appointments only

Public corporations

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