We want to ensure that all children get the best possible start in life.
Scotland has offered 1,140 hours a year of high quality funded early learning and childcare to all 3 and 4 year olds and eligible 2 year-olds, since 2021.
Our current priorities are:
- delivering on the actions in the Best Start: Strategic early learning and school age childcare plan 2022 to 2026
- continuing to support local authorities on the delivery of 1,140 hours of chidcare for all eligible children
- working to increase uptake of the entitlement for eligible 2 year olds
- maintaining the national standard for early learning and childcare
- developing a suite of free online modules for all early learning and childcare practitioners
- supporting the early years workforce
- providing specialist early learning support for children in the most deprived communities
- promoting greater use of outdoor play and learning for children
- using evidence from the Financial Sustainability Health Check to support the sector
Other ways we are supporting children and parents during the early years include:
- running an early child development programme which aims to reduce the proportion of children with developmental concerns by 2030
- offering baby boxes filled with useful items to all babies born in Scotland
- the Parent Club website which offers support and advice to parents and carers
- funding the Bookbug programme to provide free books and learning sessions to young children
- working in partnership with the Corra Foundation to administer The Children, Young People, Families, Early Intervention and Adult Learning and Empowering Communities Fund
- running the Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative to improve services for children, young people and families
- publishing resources for parents such as Play, Talk, Read to help parents to interact with their children effectively
We provide funding to local authorities to deliver funded early learning and childcare (ELC).
Funded ELC is delivered by a wide range of providers including nurseries and playgroups, from across the public, private and third sectors and by childminders.
Bills and legislation
The legislative basis for providing funded ELC is found in two pieces of primary legislation: The Education (Scotland) Act 1980 and The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.
The 1980 Act places a duty on local authorities to secure provision of school education, including ELC, in their area. Following their duties under the 1980 Act, the 2014 Act places a duty on local authorities to secure a specified amount of funded ELC for children in their area and sets out a framework on how this should be delivered.
Email: Central Enquiries Unit ceu@gov.scot
Telephone: 0300 244 4000
Creating Positive Futures Division
Children and Families Directorate
Scottish Government
Area 2C - North
Victoria Quay