Housing statistics
Statistics on new housebuilding, affordable housing supply, rents in the private sector, local authority and social housing, and short term lets licencing.
Quarterly housing update
A summary of activity in new build housing and affordable housing in Scotland.
The Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update includes an update on Affordable Housing Supply approvals, starts and completions, all-sector, private sector, and social sector new house building starts and completions. The publication presents annual rates of new housebuilding and affordable housing supply per head of population, including comparisons to other UK countries.
- Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update: New Housebuilding and Affordable Housing Supply to end September 2024
- Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update: New Housebuilding and Affordable Housing Supply to end June 2024
- Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update: New Housebuilding and Affordable Housing Supply to end March 2024
- Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update: New Housebuilding and Affordable Housing Supply to end December 2023
- Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update: New Housebuilding and Affordable Housing Supply to end September 2023
- Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update: New Housebuilding and Affordable Housing Supply to end June 2023
- Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update: New Housebuilding and Affordable Housing Supply (published 27 June 2023)
Empty properties and Second homes
Statistics on empty properties, unoccupied exemptions and second homes sourced from council tax base returns collected annually from local authorities.
Housing Statistics Annual Key Trends
Statistics on housing stock, new housing supply, local authority stock, and housing management.
- Local authority total and vacant housing stock, Scotland, March 2024
- Housing Statistics 2022 & 2023: Key Trends Summary
- Housing Statistics 2020 & 2021: Key Trends Summary
- Housing statistics 2019: key trends summary
- Housing statistics 2018: key trends summary
- Housing statistics 2017: key trends summary
Private Sector Rent statistics
Information on Private Sector Rents across 18 Broad Rental Market areas in Scotland.
Note that these statistics are largely based on advertised rents and do not represent changes in rents for existing tenants.
Short term lets licensing
The latest release of Short Term Lets Licencing Statistics Scotland reports on the operation of the short term lets licensing scheme under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Short-term Lets) Order 2022. It presents information on data collected from local authorities.
This quarterly statistical series provides information on the number of licence applications received, granted and pending determination, along with information on the type of letting, type of property and other accommodation details. The statistical publication provides an overview of key findings, with the supporting documents Excel file providing a range of further more detailed tables at a Scotland, local authority and data zone level.
Social Tenants in Scotland
Overview of social tenants and social rented housing in Scotland including stock, household characteristics, housing Social tenants in Scotland flows, rents and income levels.
Scottish Household Survey
The latest data available for housing tenure can be found below:
Scottish Household Survey - Local Authority Summary Report
A short analysis of key points of interest from the Scottish Household Survey 2018 local authority level tables on housing.
Housing statistics: Excel webtables
A range of additional Excel webtables available to download
- Housing statistics: Stock by tenure
- Housing statistics quarterly update: new housebuilding and affordable housing supply
- Housing statistics: Conversions and demolitions
- Housing statistics: Sales of social sector housing
- Housing statistics: Local authority housing stock
- Housing statistics: Housing for older people and people with disabilities
- Housing statistics: Management of local authority housing
- Housing statistics: Houses in multiple occupation
- Housing statistics: Scheme of Assistance
- Housing statistics: Second homes and empty properties
- Housing statistics: Supply of new housebuilding
- Housing statistics: Scottish Landlord Register data
Housing statistics: Data quality, sources and suitability
Information on housing statistics developments across the UK is available on the Government Analysis Function Housing, homelessness and planning statistics webpages.
Scottish Government & Office for National Statistics Stakeholder Event - Scottish PRS price indices and statistics
The minutes for the Stakeholder Event on Scottish PRS price indices and statistics, held on 7th February, are available below.
Housing statistics across the UK
Information on housing statistics developments across the UK is available on the Government Analysis Function Housing, homelessness and planning statistics webpages.
Housing and regeneration outcomes framework: indicator updates
Private rented sector statistics user event June 2019
The Private rented sector statistics user event brought together users of PRS statisics, and took place in Edinburgh on 25 June 2019.
Materials used on the day, including the agenda, speaker photos and biographies, summary notes and presentation slides for each session can be found by clicking on the link below.
Private rented sector statistics: user event 25 June 2019 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)
You can find older reports and datatsets via our archive, or by searching for housing statistics on the NRS Web Archive (nrscotland.gov.uk)
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