
16-19 year olds not in employment, education or training (NEET) 2004-2014

Estimates for the numbers of Scottish 16-19 year olds not in employment, education or training (NEET) from 2004-2014.

This will be the final release of these statistics in their current form before they are replaced by the Participation Measure for 16-19 year olds (see below).

NEET Estimates at a Local Authority Level

The official measure of 16-19 year olds who are NEET is taken from the Annual Population Survey (APS).  While the APS can provide a reliable estimate of the NEET group at a national level, the data is not robust enough to provide estimates at a Local Authority (LA) level.  Scotland level data for 2004-2014 is provided below.

A combination of initial school leavers destinations statistics and Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) benefits statistics for 18-19 year olds are used to calculate LA NEET estimates.  Further details on this methodology can be found in the report at the link below:

The Local Authority NEET statistics provide a general estimate of the level of the Local Authority NEET group which is consistent over time and between local authority areas. It is recognised that these statistics underestimate the LA NEET group by approximately 20-25%, but it does provide a useful measure to track the size of this group over time and enables comparisons across local authority areas. This under-estimation is likely to vary across local authority areas.  Local Authority level data for 2003-2014 is also provided below.

How these statistics are used

The NEET statistics feed into the Scottish Government policy 'Opportunities for All' , which is the Scottish Government’s commitment to an offer of a place in learning or training for every 16-19 year old (up to their 20th birthday), with a specific focus on young people not in education, employment or training.   It brings together a range of existing national and local policies and strategies, including More Choices More Chances and 16+ Learning Choices, as a single focus to improve young people’s participation in post-16 learning or training.

Date of next publication

This will be the final release of these statistics in their current form before they are replaced by the Participation Measure for 16 to 19 year olds. The Participation Measure will be published by Skills Development Scotland in August 2015 and will cover 16-19 year olds in Scotland who are participating in learning, training or work. The Participation measure will offer better coverage than the statistics presented in this publication. Further information can be obtained from Skills Development Scotland:


LA NEET statistics 2004-2014


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