
The seas around Scotland have the potential to provide us with a large sustainable, renewable energy source. In addition to the National Marine Plan, Scottish Ministers have also taken forward initiatives to support the sustainable development of offshore renewable energy. This includes a Sectoral Marine Plan for offshore wind and draft sectoral plans for wave and tidal energy.  A consenting and licensing manual was published in 2018 and a scientific research framework has been created to improve our knowledge of the marine environment and the potential effects of marine and offshore renewable energy.


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We are firmly committed to the development of a successful and sustainable offshore renewable energy industry in Scotland. By 2030 we aim to generate 50% of Scotland’s overall energy consumption from renewable sources, and by 2050 we aim to have decarbonised our energy system almost completely. Offshore wind is expected to play a large role in meeting that commitment and will continue to support our world leading wave and tidal sector enabling them to be part of that picture.

Indeed Scotland is well placed to take a global lead in the exploitation of renewable energy sources at sea with massive marine renewable resources in the form of offshore wind, wave and tidal energy.



Telephone: 0300 244 4000

Marine Scotland
Mailpoint 11
1B South
Victoria Quay

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