Local Governance Review

We want to devolve more power to more local levels.

We jointly launched the Local Governance Review with COSLA to ensure Scotland’s diverse communities and different places have greater control and influence over decisions that affect them most. 

The Review does this by considering how powers, responsibilities and resources are shared across national and local spheres of government, and with communities.

Democracy Matters – phase 2 findings

In 2024 communities from across Scotland came together to consider how decision making should work in their town, village or neighbourhood. The process involved a diverse range of voices and ideas to strengthen Scotland’s local democracy and ensure everyone can participate in the decisions that matter the most to them.

On 19 September 2024 the Scottish Government and COSLA published the findings from the second phase of Democracy Matters conversations alongside a joint statement setting out the next steps for the process and our shared commitment to community empowerment. To stay in touch on future developments for Democracy Matters and follow us on X @CommEmpower.

Following the findings of the phase 2 consultation, a Democracy Matters steering group was established in December 2024 to develop the findings further.

First phase findings

On 16 May 2019 Aileen Campbell MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government COSLA President shared the reports based on the analysis of responses to the first engagement phase of the Local Governance Review  and outlined next steps in a joint statement

These reports reflects what we heard from over 4,000 people who took part in #DemocracyMatters conversations about the future of community decision-making. At hundreds of events across Scotland, people discussed whether their community should be able to take more decisions about a whole range of public services, and the benefits this might bring.

The Democracy Matters conversation was framed by a small set of open questions found in the consultation document: Democracy Matters - Your Community. Your Ideas. Your Future. A Democracy Matters: easy-read guide was also available.

We have produced the following as a result of these conversations:-

At the same time as ‘Democracy Matters’, more than 40 public sector partners submitted proposals for alternative governance arrangements designed to improve outcomes for people and drive inclusive growth in the places they serve. These proposals were sent in response to a letter from the Scottish Government and COSLA to Scotland’s public sector leaders. We published a report detailing this analysis of alternative governance arrangements on 16 May 2019.

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