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Showing 186 news items about Public sector

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  1. Supporting innovation

    Funding for public libraries.

  2. Strengthening local democracy

    Second phase of Democracy Matters national conversation.

  3. Ministerial code updated

    Changes to improve transparency.

  4. Council tax consultation

    Views sought on changes to higher bands.

  5. New grant funding to decarbonise public sector buildings

    Additional support for net zero transition.

  6. Encouraging Fair Work

    New conditions on public sector grants.

  7. A new deal with local government

    Verity House Agreement signed by First Minister and COSLA President.

  8. Local Government 2022-23 Provisional Outturn and 2023-24 Budget Estimates

    An Official Statistics Publication.

  9. New Chief Constable

    Justice Secretary Angela Constance comments as first woman appointed to role.

  10. Renewing Scotland’s play parks

    £50 million investment.

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