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Showing 186 news items about Public sector

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  1. Public sector pay strategy published

    Proposals ‘balance fairness with affordability and fiscal sustainability’.

  2. Calls for targeted cost of living support

    Chancellor should use “full range of powers”.

  3. Diversity and Inclusion of the Scottish Government Workforce

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  4. Scottish Government Workforce Statistics December 2022

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  5. Creating jobs through public spending

    Scotland’s policies hailed in new report.

  6. Local government expenditure and income in 2021-22

    A National Statistics Publication.

  7. Scottish Budget Bill passed

    Further support for councils, culture sector and island ferries.

  8. A social contract with Scotland

    Final stage of 2023-24 Budget Bill.

  9. Tax support for businesses

    Non-Domestic Rates legislation.

  10. EU replacement funding 60% shortfall

    Minister says Shared Prosperity Fund ‘fails communities’.

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