
Community ownership: asset reporting form

Use this form to report assets which are in community ownership so they can be considered for inclusion in the Community Ownership in Scotland statistical publication.

This form is intended for you to tell us about assets in community ownership which you are aware of. This is so we can gather information about any assets which may not be identified by the sources currently used to inform the Community Ownership in Scotland publication.

An asset is an area of land or building or anything else of substantial value, for example a minibus or boat.

This publication includes only assets which are owned by a community group. This excludes assets which are leased, rented or otherwise used by a group where the owner is not a community group. Any information you provide will be considered for inclusion in the publication.

A community group must meet the following criteria for assets they own to be included in the Community Ownership in Scotland publication:

  • the group has a defined aim of benefiting the local community
  • the group is non-profit making.  
  • full membership is open to anyone in a defined local community and is restricted to people in that local community
  • any membership fee is set at a nominal amount, taken to be less than £30 per year

Please only complete this form for assets which are owned by a group which meets the above four criteria.

When returning this form please can you confirm that these criteria are met. We are happy to provide clarification if required.

Community ownership: asset reporting form


Please return the form by email to

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