
National falls and fracture prevention strategy 2019-2024 draft: consultation

We are consulting on a draft national prevention strategy for falls and fractures 2019 to 2024.

Our vision, ambitions, outcomes and commitments

Our shared vision is of a Scotland where more people live a life free from harm and social isolation from falls.

Our ambitions for this strategy are to:

4. build resilience at population level: working together across sectors and with individuals and communities to enable more people to maintain or build their resilience and reduce their exposure to risk factors for falls and osteoporosis

5. take action earlier: working together across sectors and with individuals and communities to cultivate a shared responsibility for recognising and exploiting valuable opportunities to take earlier preventative action when signs of frailty and functional decline are first recognised and, after one fall or fragility fracture, to prevent another

6. target evidence-based and personalised support: collaborating to deliver evidence-based falls and fragility fracture prevention interventions for those at highest risk and with complex needs, with a focus on supporting people to achieve outcomes that are important to them

7. build an integrated approach: working more closely together across the system and with individuals and communities to design, plan, fund and deliver falls and fragility fracture prevention and management, and frailty prevention, identification, management and care.

We have identified 12 outcomes people want to see through implementing the strategy, and have developed 16 commitments to ensure the vision, ambitions and outcomes of the strategy are delivered.



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