
Scottish Government and Scottish Green Party Parliamentary Group: draft Cooperation Agreement

Agreement setting out a joint commitment to work together to provide leadership for Scotland.

Raising and resolving concerns

Where a concern arises about the operation of this agreement, the Scottish Government and the Green Group agree to raise it with each other in confidence and as early as possible. The Scottish Government and the Green Group agree to seek to resolve any concerns in good faith, in line with the principles set out in this agreement, and in the interests of Scotland.

Concerns will be escalated, as required, including ultimately to be resolved by the First Minister and Deputy First Minister and the Co-Leaders of the Scottish Green Party. The First Minister and Deputy First Minister and the Co-Leaders of the Scottish Green Party may agree action to resolve the concern. That action may include, exceptionally, an agreement that a matter is something where the Scottish Government and Green Group agree to differ, and should be added to the list of excluded matters.

Where a concern arises about any matter outwith the scope of this agreement, the Scottish Government and the Green Group agree to raise it as early as possible with each other on a ‘no surprises’ basis.

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