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Showing 351 to 360 of 360 results for `Pollution Prevention`

  1. Other Publications

    The Building Standards technical handbooks provide guidance on achieving the standards set in the Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004 and are available in two volumes, Domestic buildings and Non-domestic buildings. This publication is available in

    Part of:
    Building Standards technical handbook 2017: non-domestic buildings
  2. 3. District Heating Regulation

    Analysis of responses to the consultation on heat and energy efficiency strategies and regulation of district heating.

    Part of:
    Heat and energy efficiency strategies: consultation analysis
  3. C.10. Oil and Gas

    This report provides Marine Scotland with evidence on economic and social effects to inform a Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) for each possible NC MPA, and a Sustainability Appraisal for the suite of proposals as a whole.

    Part of:
    Planning Scotland's Seas: 2013 - The Scottish Marine Protected Area Project – Developing the Evidence Base tor Impact Assessments and the Sustainability Appraisal Final Report
  4. Appendix D Modified Sectoral E-Tests

    Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Scottish Climate Change Bill: Consultation Proposals: Final Environmental Report (Post-Consultation Issue) November 2008

    Part of:
    Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Scottish Climate Change Bill: Consultation Proposals: Environmental Report
  5. Proposals

    This is the draft Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment for the Aquaculture and Fisheries Bill, and which should be considered along with the Aquaculture and Fisheries Bill Consultation Document

    Part of:
    Aquaculture and Fisheries Bill Consultation Document Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment
  6. District Heating Licensing

    Findings from the second consultation on local heat and energy efficiency strategies (LHEES), and regulation of district and communal heating.

    Part of:
    Heat and energy efficiency strategies: second consultation analysis
  7. Supporting documents

    Guidance which details the process local authorities should follow for designating, amending, or revoking a firework control zone within their boundaries.

    Part of:
    Firework control zones: guidance for local authorities
  8. Supporting documents

    This document summarises the responses that the Scottish Government received to its consultation on potential amendments to The Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018 (the 2018 Regulations).

    Part of:
    Better Environmental Regulation Programme Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018: proposed amendments consultation Analysis of responses received
  9. Supporting documents

    Consultation on proposals for integrating Scottish Environment Protection Agency's principle regulatory regimes.

    Part of:
    Consultation on proposals for an integrated authorisation framework
  10. Supporting documents

    Consultation on extending the power of Scottish Ministers to direct the holder of a permit issued under the PPC Regulations 2012 to accept and keep, or accept and treat or dispose of, controlled waste at specified places and on specified terms.

    Part of:
    Handling of waste: amendment to legislation: consultation
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