UEFA EURO 2028 - commercial rights protection: consultation

This consultation paper seeks input from street traders, media owners, and businesses in event zones potentially impacted by EURO 2028 measures. We also seek input from residents and groups across Scotland on various measures, like street trading and ticket touting.

3. Impacts

We have published a Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment alongside this survey.

We are also considering what impacts the proposals in this survey may have on people with protected characteristics and in terms of the Scottish Government’s aim to create a fairer Scotland.


Do you have any feedback on the partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment published alongside this survey?

In what ways, if any, do you think the proposed legislation would affect some groups of people differently than others? This might be based on where people live, their socioeconomic status or their protected characteristics.[17]


Email: majorevents@gov.scot

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