Low Carbon Scotland - meeting the emissions reduction targets 2010-2022: report
Sets out the policies that are already in place to cut emissions and further proposals to enable Scotland to meet the annual emissions targets from 2010 to 2022.
Ministerial Foreword
Climate change is one of the most serious threats we face. This Government is serious about fulfilling its responsibility to reduce emissions and we have set ambitious, world-leading statutory targets to reduce emissions by 42% by 2020 and by at least 80% by 2050. In preparing this Report on Proposals and Policies to deliver annual targets to 2022, we have drawn together ideas to reduce emissions from different sources, and from different sectors of society.
This Government's purpose is to focus government and public services on creating a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth. Emissions reduction targets will drive new thinking, new technologies, new solutions and new investment that will ensure Scotland is an early adopter at the forefront of a sustainable, modern, low-carbon economy. The current global economic situation should be a spur and not a hindrance to that effort. A low carbon society will deliver on our Purpose, enabling prosperity while ensuring sustainability.
The publication of this Report on Proposals and Policies for 2010-2022 rounds off a period in which we have prepared a number of publications in part to fulfil specific requirements of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, and more generally to provide a clear strategic direction on how we will tackle climate change.
Our Low Carbon Economic Strategy sets the policy direction for low carbon economic opportunities, and strengthens business confidence in exploiting those opportunities. Our Public Engagement Strategy explains our approach to informing people about what they can do to help Scotland take action on climate change. Our Energy Efficiency Action Plan sets out in detail the actions the Scottish Government is taking to achieve a step change in energy use. Our Draft Electricity Generation Policy Statement provides evidence on recent important developments in Scottish electricity generation. Climate change is not a one-portfolio issue, and there are many other plans and strategies which contribute to this programme.
This Report on Proposals and Policies identifies a range of proposals and policies that continue momentum in 2011-12 and show how annual targets can be met each year to 2022. This Report has been considered by Parliament, and improvements arising from the Parliamentary scrutiny process have been incorporated into this final version.
The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 received unanimous cross-party support when it was passed by Parliament. The package of proposals and policies in this Report also received cross-party support in 2010, with no suggested amendments to the suite of measures required to deliver annual targets. This Report therefore sets the agenda for action on climate change for the next decade.
But we cannot deliver those targets alone. Everyone needs to play their part: government, business, individuals. At home, at work, and in our travel choices. Saving money on household bills makes sense for Scotland. Positioning ourselves at the forefront of new economic opportunities makes sense for Scotland. Protecting our natural environment makes sense for Scotland. And the opportunity for a healthier lifestyle make sense for Scotland.
A low carbon society makes sense for Scotland.
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