
State of the NHSScotland Estate 2011

A review of asset management performance in NHSScotland, identifying the current state of the estate, highlighting areas of best practice and areas for improvement.

Annex B: Summary of main focus and future priorities of NHS Boards as identified in their PAMS

Main Focus over next 5 Years Key Priorities for Improvement in Environmental Performance Sources of External Income from Estates and Facilities
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Major improvements in all facets will arise following the completion of the SGH Campus plan and subsequent disposals of poor condition properties. Proposed Energy Saving Projects costing approximately £4m which includes energy efficient lighting, boiler and controls upgrade, lighting controls upgrade, CHP generator project, server virtualisation project, fan replacement & biomass boiler projects:
NHS Lothian

Main focus includes:

  • Legislative compliance with emphasis on fire safety, safety & security, and HAI.
  • Infrastructure works (engineering services, roads, roofs, & windows) to existing properties.
  • Potential new build schemes
  • Rationalisation of existing estate driven by service relocation / co-location plans.
  • Disposal of a several sites and properties.

General and specific compliance with all environmental initiatives and KPI's, including following projects:

  • Boilerhouse investment including installation of biomass boilers
  • Ground source heat pump systems project
  • Solar photovoltaic and solar thermal panel projects
  • Micro CHP project

Various income streams totalling £775k p.a., including:

  • Shop rental and share of turnover
  • Share of profit from mall shops
  • Rental from Clinical Research Building
  • Rental from Imperial Cancer Research Building
  • Rental of roof space for telephone mast
  • Rental of Nursery buildings and land
NHS Tayside

Major focus on the redesign, redevelopment and realignment of Ninewells in meeting future patient needs, and University accommodation review.

Creation of a prioritisation and phased expenditure plan to address backlog maintenance over the short, medium and long term future.

Disposal of surplus properties plus a review of leased accommodation.
General and specific compliance with all environmental initiatives and KPI's, plus seeking £3m funding for installation of heat exchangers and flash recovery energy management equipment and biomass boiler projects Approximately £745k income from staff leases, commercial leases and rental income.
NHS Grampian

Completion of on-going major developments including the emergency care centre.

Disinvestment from buildings with high operating costs, backlog maintenance requirements or short remaining life.

Reduction in backlog from above plus prioritised expenditure directed at significant and high risk backlog.

Range of patient safety improvements across Grampian.

Completion of its new healthcare strategy.

General and specific compliance with all environmental initiatives and KPI's, including the following projects:

  • New energy centre incorporating combined heat and power, Biomass steam plant and conventional energy sources
  • To develop and lodge an application to install a further Biomass facility at one of its other hospital sites.

Various income streams totalling £1.5m p.a., including:

  • Ground leases
  • Commercial leases / rents
  • Communication masts
  • SLA's
NHS Lanarkshire General estate improvements identified via risk based approach to backlog and statutory compliance, better utilisation of the estate, removal of surplus estate, etc.

Initiatives to achieve its environmental targets include:

  • Introduction of voltage reduction systems within acute hospitals
  • Lanarkshire wide non-clinical waste contract.
  • A number of discrete spend to save projects such as replacement of inefficient or obsolete plant.
  • The move to sleep-knit bed linen within the west of Scotland laundry consortium to reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions

Various income streams totalling £220k p.a., including:

  • Shop rental income
  • WRVS Canteen
  • Nursery and creche
NHS Ayrshire & Arran Plans for 3 major capital investment projects with combined value of over £110m. Plans for improvement in policies and procedures plus intend to obtain National Energy Foundation 'Energy Efficient Accreditation' for NHS Ayrshire & Arran

Various income streams totalling £200k p.a., including:

  • Seasonal grazing on land
  • Pharmacy Rent
  • Porters Lodge Lease - rent
  • Theatre Sterile Supplies Unit services to private hospital
  • Catering services to South Ayrshire Council and Meals on Wheels service
NHS Forth Valley General improvements in estate performance plus rationalisation of Stirling and Falkirk Hospital sites to create community hospitals as part of their Integrated Healthcare Strategy To continue with its commitment to deliver a range of environmental improvement objectives Limited to GP practices and local hospice where costs are recovered through an agreed formula
NHS Fife

Continue to deliver the current clinical strategy (Right for Fife) through:

  • Completion of current new build and refurbishment projects.
  • Planning for future changes.
  • Disinvestment in redundant assets
  • Updating and revising the clinical strategy to account for work completed and future plans
  • Improvement in the quality and accuracy of data held within the PAMS.
  • Development of the risk based capital plan to focus on improving facet scores
  • Reduction of risk, particularly in clinical areas.
  • Improvements to the functional suitability and quality in clinical areas.

Implementation of a sustainability/ environment strategy for all aspects of sustainable development.

Applications for CO2 Reduction Grant Scheme funding has been made for 5 projects in NHS Fife sites including biomass, district heating, and waste heat schemes
Various sources of rental income totalling £125k p.a.
NHS Highland

Dealing with backlog maintenance through a mixture of reconfiguration and redesign of services, elimination of over capacity where possible, and increased use of shared facilities.

Also focussed on improving statutory compliance which is being prioritised using the backlog maintenance risk assessment methodology.
NHS Highland has 3 bids for further, larger biomass schemes in the CEEF fund and if successful this will meet its carbon reduction targets for the foreseeable future. They are also embarking on a programme of BMS replacement, driving efficiency by improving the control of energy inputs into its buildings.

Central decontamination facility has a commercial contract with NHS Grampian.

Work is underway to try to utilise spare capacity in laundry with private sector work.

Looking at commercial opportunities around transport and sharing services with other public sector partners.
NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Focus dependent upon whether DGRI redevelopment project gets approval. Also to align emerging Clinical Strategy with PAMS. Other focus includes:

  • Backlog projects on a risk based priority basis
  • Capital projects linked to programme of service improvements
  • Rationalisation of estate to maximise utilisation of available space
  • Disposing of aged estate
  • Service relocation plans

Capital dependent plans include:

  • Efficient lighting replacement programme
  • Improved heating systems
  • High efficiency boiler replacements
  • Conversion of steam to low pressure hot water heating at DGRI
  • Biofuel CHP engine
  • Change to more sustainable fuels (biofuels, biomass)
  • Disposal of aged buildings that have very high heat/light/power usage

One source of external income:

£60k pa maintenance contract for single PFI building attached to DGRI
NHS Borders

Continuing with improvements to clinical accommodation.

Developing plans for future improvement / investment plans.

Review of properties no longer required with view towards disposal

Continuing with a review of the size, location, and number of properties supporting its Primary & Community services.
Ongoing implementation of its Carbon Management Plan which comprises of 34 separate projects with varying degrees of success re pay back period. No further information available
NHS Western Isles

Implement risk based approach to improving physical condition and statutory compliance related issues.

Awaiting completion of clinical strategy before confirming further estate improvements / developments

General and specific compliance with environmental initiatives and KPI's, including the following projects:

  • Awaiting results of feasibility study into alternative fuels for main hospital boilers
  • Improving insulation to hospital properties
  • Fitting energy saving controls to a range of motors within engineering installations, particularly those supporting heating, ventilation and air conditioning plant
Potential for developing further initiatives being considered.
No supplementary information provided
NHS Shetland

Short term objective of improving the condition and statutory compliance issues related to the estate.

Longer term objective includes hospital replacement

Currently heat over half of estate from a low carbon waste to heat energy district heating plant in Lerwick.

Currently focussed on:

  • Lighting efficiency improvements using LED technology
  • Installing variable speed drives to reduce electricity used in H&V systems
  • Reducing energy used in cooling IT datacentre
Applied for funding for two wind energy projects.

External income through estates and facilities is limited to the following areas:

  • Food service for hospital visitors, out patients and members of the public.
  • Rental income from houses, flats and other accommodation leased to NHS Shetland staff.
NHS Orkney Plan to progress from a review of property based needs to option appraisal and consultation work to determine way forward. No further information available No further information available


(Golden Jubilee)
Ensuring that space is appropriately used and meets the needs of the approved clinical strategy/LDP. Also plan to concentrate on ensuring the maintenance standard of the building is kept to the existing standard. Currently submitted a proposal/bid for funding for decentralisation of the boiler house as part of energy improvement programme, plus working with a local business to review the potential for the setting up of a bio-gas plant on site. Established sustainability group which is taking forward the areas in the NHS Board's sustainability action plan. No sources of external income from estates and facilities other than rental income from another NHS body.
State Hospitals Board

Phase 1 & 2 of the new build hospital are complete. Phase 3 landscaping and demolition of existing properties is also effectively complete.

Future investment risks may include IM&T infrastructure work, replacement vehicles, and low levels of backlog maintenance.
The new hospital has been designed to be as energy efficient as possible which should impact positively on energy usage and carbon reduction etc. Further environmental improvement measures being considered. No sources of external income from Estates & Facilities
National Services Scotland Building on the current property strategy, to produce a draft PAMS for Board approval by February 2012 Next 2 years to establish a baseline performance for NSS on the environmental front and the implementation or improvement of systems and procedures to reliably capture and report on environmental performance. No external sources of income
NHS Education for Scotland Rationalisation of office accommodation in the city centre of Edinburgh and Glasgow to resolve the functionality issues from the split office locations (particularly in Edinburgh). The rationalisation will also offer the ability to reduce the space in Edinburgh and significantly reduce property costs. Focussing on reducing energy consumption and waste production within the limitations of occupying leased premises in managed properties. No sources of external income from Estates & Facilities
Healthcare Improvement Scotland Currently reviewing options for Edinburgh and Glasgow offices to enable lease breaks to existing accommodation in 2012. Hoping to exploit opportunities for sharing accommodation where suitable opportunities exist and minimise leased space. Made most of changes made in office environment but currently undertaking work on travel which will depend significantly on future office locations. No sources of external income from Estates & Facilities
NHS Health Scotland Planning to rationalise from 5 sites to 2 - one in Glasgow and one in Edinburgh Focussing on reducing energy consumption and waste production within the limitations of occupying leased premises in managed properties. No sources of external income from Estates & Facilities
Scottish Ambulance Service No further information available No further information available No further information available
NHS 24 No further information available No further information available No further information available


Email: James H White

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