Firearm Certificate Statistics, Scotland, 2011

Firearm Certificate Statistics, Scotland, 2011

Table 5. Shotgun Certificates: applications, renewals, cancellations, revocations and number of shotgun certificates on issue by police force area, Scotland, 31 December 2011

Number & Rate

Police Force Area Applications Cancellations1 Revocations1 Shotgun certificates on issue Shotgun certificates on issue per 100,000 population2
New Shotgun Certificate Renewal of Shotgun Certificate
Granted Refused Granted Refused
Central 77 1 535 - 111 - 2,147 731
Dumfries & Galloway 117 4 1,065 - 191 1 4,245 2,865
Fife 98 1 643 - 146 3 2,648 725
Grampian 241 1 2,231 1 461 1 8,663 1,573
Lothian & Borders 321 11 1,917 3 342 22 7,979 840
Northern 312 10 2,254 5 401 13 8,536 2,940
Strathclyde 341 4 2,176 - 487 4 8,800 396
Tayside 229 9 1,619 - 283 8 5,708 1,418
SCOTLAND 1,736 41 12,440 9 2,422 52 48,726 933

1. See Annex 5.8.
2. Based on mid-2010 population estimates for Scotland (General Register Office for Scotland).


Email: Steven Morrison

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