
Patient Experience survey of GP and local nhs services 2011/12 Volume 1: National Results

Scottish Patient Experience Survey of GP and Local NHS Services 2011/12. This is a postal survey which was sent to a random sample of patients who were registered with a GP in Scotland in October 2011. This report contains the national results, comparisons between NHS Boards and international comparisons.

11 Results for NHS Boards

Overall results for NHS Boards

11.1 More detailed results for NHS Boards are shown in a spreadsheet on the Scottish Government website at:

Overall access arrangements

11.2 Since the previous survey in 2009/10, there has been a decrease in the percentage of patients rating the overall arrangements for seeing doctors and nurses as good or excellent. This decrease has been seen across almost all NHS Boards (Table 11).

11.3 The percentage of patients rating the overall arrangements for getting to see doctors as good or excellent ranged from 69 per cent in NHS Fife and NHS Shetland to 96 per cent in NHS Orkney.

11.4 The percentage of patients rating the overall arrangements for getting to see nurses as good or excellent ranged from 80 per cent in NHS Lanarkshire to 97 per cent in NHS Orkney.

Table 11: Rating of overall arrangements for getting to see doctors and nurses

Doctor Nurse
NHS Board Good or excellent % Difference from 2009/10 Good or excellent % Difference from 2009/10
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 72 -8 83 -5
NHS Borders 77 -7 85 -5
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 81 -3 89 -1
NHS Fife 69 -9 81 -5
NHS Forth Valley 75 -5 82 -3
NHS Grampian 71 -7 83 -3
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 80 -4 85 -3
NHS Highland 82 -4 89 -3
NHS Lanarkshire 70 -6 80 -5
NHS Lothian 74 -6 83 -4
NHS Orkney 96 -2 97 -2
NHS Shetland 69 -3 85 0
NHS Tayside 78 -3 86 -3
NHS Western Isles 82 -5 93 2
Scotland 75 -6 84 -3

Note: Statistically significant differences are in bold

Arrangements for getting to see other health professionals

11.5 The percentage of patients rating the overall arrangements for getting to see other health professionals as good or excellent ranged from 73 per cent in NHS Grampian to 87 per cent in NHS Orkney (Table 12).

Table 12 Arrangements for getting to see other health professionals by NHS Board

NHS Board Poor or very poor Fair Good or excellent
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 8 16 77
NHS Borders 6 14 81
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 5 12 82
NHS Fife 7 15 78
NHS Forth Valley 8 16 75
NHS Grampian 10 17 73
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 7 16 77
NHS Highland 6 13 81
NHS Lanarkshire 10 18 73
NHS Lothian 10 16 74
NHS Orkney 4 8 87
NHS Shetland 9 16 75
NHS Tayside 6 13 81
NHS Western Isles 6 11 83
Scotland 8 16 76

HEAT standards - 48 hour access and advance access

11.6 Every NHS Board in Scotland is required to meet a HEAT9 standard that monitors the percentage of patients able to obtain access within two working days and book an appointment in advance to an appropriate healthcare professional. GP practices are expected to provide reasonable appropriate access for their patients as part of their services. The results for 48 hour and advance access HEAT standards are shown in Table 13. More information on the 48 hour HEAT standard is available in 3.15.

11.7 The results for 48 hour access ranged from 89.3 per cent in NHS Fife to 99.4 per cent in NHS Orkney. The results for advance access ranged from 61.7 per cent for NHS Shetland to 98.4 per cent for NHS Orkney.

Table 13 HEAT standards 48 hour and advance access by NHS Board

NHS Board 48 hour access Advance access10
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 92.5 77.6
NHS Borders 94.0 85.2
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 96.0 87.2
NHS Fife 89.3 79.6
NHS Forth Valley 91.8 82.5
NHS Grampian 92.0 83.4
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 93.4 80.5
NHS Highland 95.2 86.6
NHS Lanarkshire 90.3 70.5
NHS Lothian 91.8 80.0
NHS Orkney 99.4 98.4
NHS Shetland 97.5 61.7
NHS Tayside 94.9 72.7
NHS Western Isles 97.2 89.1
NHSScotland 92.6 79.6

Overall care provided by GP practices

11.8 There was a small decrease in the percentage of patients rating the overall care provided by their GP surgery as good or excellent across almost all NHS Boards (Table 11). The percentage of patients rating the overall care provided by their GP surgery as good or excellent ranged from 84 per cent in NHS Shetland to 96 per cent in NHS Orkney.

Table 14: Rating of overall care provided by GP surgery

NHS Board Good or excellent % Difference from 2009/10
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 88 -2
NHS Borders 90 -4
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 92 0
NHS Fife 86 -4
NHS Forth Valley 88 -3
NHS Grampian 89 -1
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 90 -1
NHS Highland 91 -1
NHS Lanarkshire 85 -3
NHS Lothian 88 -1
NHS Orkney 96 -2
NHS Shetland 84 -4
NHS Tayside 90 -1
NHS Western Isles 92 -2
Scotland 89 -1

Note: Statistically significant differences are in bold

Overall rating of care provided out of hours

11.9 The percentage of patients rating the care provided out of hours as good or excellent ranged from 67 per cent in NHS Borders, NHS Forth Valley and NHS Western Isles to 75 per cent in NHS Lothian and NHS Highland
(Table 15).

Table 15 Overall rating of care provided out of hours by NHS Board

NHS Board Poor or very poor Fair Good or excellent
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 10 16 73
NHS Borders 13 19 67
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 12 20 68
NHS Fife 11 18 71
NHS Forth Valley 13 19 67
NHS Grampian 9 17 74
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 10 17 73
NHS Highland 11 15 75
NHS Lanarkshire 11 18 70
NHS Lothian 9 16 75
NHS Orkney 9 22 69
NHS Shetland 12 18 70
NHS Tayside 11 18 71
NHS Western Isles 13 20 67
Scotland 11 17 72


1. Totals may not add due to rounding


Email: Gregor Boyd

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