Educational Outcomes for Scotland's Looked After Children 2010/11

This document is the second in a series of an annual summary of the educational outcomes of Scotland's looked after children.

Table 11a shows that 64 per cent of looked after children who left school during 2010/11 were in a positive destination at the time of the September initial destination survey, compared with 89 per cent of all 2010/11 school leavers. This is a 5 percentage point increase for looked after children compared to 2009/10 and a 2 percentage point increase for all school leavers.

However, by the time of the March follow-up destination survey, the percentage of looked after children who left school during 2010/11 who were in a positive destination had fallen to 55 per cent, compared with 87 per cent of all 2010/11 school leavers. However, this is an increase of 11 percentage points compared to 2009/10 for looked after children school leavers in a positive follow-up destination (table 11b).

Table 11a: Percentage of school leavers by initial destination, for all school leavers and those who were looked after children, 2009/10 and 2010/11

2009/10 2010/11
Initial destination Initial destination
Looked After Children School Leavers All School Leavers Looked After Children School Leavers All School Leavers
Higher Education 1 36 * 36
Further Education 33 27 31 27
Training 18 5 15 6
Employment 6 19 9 19
Voluntary Work 1 0 * 0
Activity Agreement 1 - - 6 1
Unemployed Seeking 36 11 32 10
Unemployed Not Seeking 5 1 4 1
Unknown 0 1 * 0
% in a positive destination 2 59 87 64 89

Cells containing * represent small numbers that have been suppressed to maintain confidentiality
1. Activity Agreements were introduced in 2010/11 and therefore are not included in 2009/10 figures.
2. Positive destination includes higher education, further education, training, voluntary work, employment and for 2010/11 also includes activity agreements. Activity agreements did not exist in 2009/10 and were therefore not included in the percentage in a positive destination for 2009/10. This should be considered when comparing the % in a positive destination between 2009/10 and 2010/11.


Email: Denise Macleod

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