Educational Outcomes for Scotland's Looked After Children 2010/11

This document is the second in a series of an annual summary of the educational outcomes of Scotland's looked after children.

Table 6 shows that exclusion rates were highest for children who were looked after in residential accommodation for the entire school year. There were 1,032 exclusions per 1,000 children who were looked after in voluntary homes for the entire academic year, and 949 exclusions per 1,000 children who were looked after in local authority homes. However, exclusion rates were lowest for children who were looked after by foster carers provided by the local authority, at 131 exclusions per 1,000 children.

Table 6: Cases of exclusions for looked after children for children who spent the entire 2010/11 academic year in a single placement, by accommodation type, 2010/11

Type of accommodation Total exclusions for looked after children Exclusions per 1,000 pupils who were looked after
In the community:-
At home with parents 909 409
With friends/relatives 356 195
With foster carers provided by LA 217 131
With foster carers purchased by LA 134 244
In other community(1) 0 0
Residential Accommodation:-
In local authority home 223 949
In voluntary home 32 1,032
In other residential(2) 41 436

(1) includes 'with prospective adopters'
(2) includes 'in residential school', 'crisis care' and 'other residential'


Email: Denise Macleod

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