
Prison statistics and population projections Scotland: 2011-12

This publication shows data up to 2011-12 on Scottish prison population levels and characteristics, receptions to/liberations from Scottish prisons, and international comparisons. This year it includes prison population projections to 2020-21 which were previously published separately, as well as additional background information and analyses.

Direct sentenced receptions by main crime/offence: 2002-03 to 2011-12 Table A.12

  2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 % change over past year
Total crimes & offences 12,829 12,521 12,575 12,921 13,992 14,203 14,638 14,051 13,170 13,677 4
Crimes 9,013 8,718 8,608 8,659 9,297 9,479 9,836 9,635 9,003 9,149 2
Non-sexual crimes of violence 1,418 1,505 1,440 1,399 1,400 1,520 1,601 1,574 1,455 1,625 12
Homicide 119 154 153 114 127 146 126 119 108 110 2
Serious assault and attempted murder 714 774 775 803 802 873 974 920 823 915 11
Robbery 523 517 448 405 403 418 440 434 397 508 28
Other 62 60 64 77 68 83 61 101 127 92 -28
Crimes of indecency 215 242 232 269 232 192 232 271 210 233 11
Rape and attempted rape 55 54 55 63 54 51 43 55 40 49 23
Sexual assault 24 34 36 22 14 11 9 7 11 37 236
Other 1 136 154 141 184 164 130 180 209 159 147 -8
Crimes of dishonesty 4,979 4,517 4,282 4,013 4,084 3,805 4,013 3,753 3,602 3,639 1
Housebreaking 1,208 1,132 1,030 908 952 802 801 786 748 785 5
Theft by opening lockfast places (OLP) 180 173 113 118 110 127 116 105 101 102 1
Theft from a motor vehicle (by OLP) 164 164 166 124 118 151 134 92 90 100 11
Theft of a motor vehicle 369 248 219 173 189 144 172 124 119 109 -8
Shoplifting 2 1,683 1,560 1,518 1,563 1,520 1,427 1,489 1,417 1,388 1,362 -2
Other theft 855 758 814 714 687 669 742 707 651 665 2
Fraud 141 138 125 149 187 199 257 230 209 184 -12
Other 379 344 297 264 321 286 302 292 296 332 12
Fire-raising,vandalism etc 301 352 345 381 386 427 434 421 413 370 -10
Fire-raising 45 61 50 73 70 80 82 63 58 65 12
Vandalism etc 256 291 295 308 316 347 352 358 355 305 -14
Other crimes 2,100 2,102 2,309 2,597 3,195 3,535 3,556 3,616 3,323 3,282 -1
Crimes against public justice 567 556 625 744 1,030 1,145 1,110 1,116 1,097 1,112 1
Handling offensive weapons 571 539 673 791 965 989 1,044 977 797 821 3
Drugs 950 992 987 1,005 1,113 1,289 1,325 1,461 1,370 1,271 -7
Other 12 15 24 57 87 112 77 62 59 78 32
Offences 3,763 3,735 3,911 4,235 4,661 4,689 4,782 4,387 4,136 4,473 8
Miscellaneous offences 2,335 2,356 2,694 3,063 3,504 3,646 3,894 3,700 3,571 3,953 11
Common assault 1,289 1,332 1,513 1,667 1,856 1,987 2,155 2,103 2,088 2,148 3
Breach of the peace 3 899 853 997 1,140 1,370 1,373 1,396 1,351 1,040 539 -48
Drunkenness 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 3  -
Other 144 169 183 255 275 285 341 245 440 1,263 187
Motor vehicle offences 1,428 1,379 1,217 1,172 1,157 1,043 888 687 565 520 -8
Dangerous and careless driving 176 174 152 142 170 174 154 122 109 103 -6
Driving under the influence 196 178 187 163 194 166 164 129 116 108 -7
Speeding 1  -  -  - 4  -  - 3 1  - n/a
Unlawful use of vehicle 1,039 1,015 865 850 774 688 559 420 333 304 -9
Vehicle defect offences  -  - 2  - 2  - 2 2 1 1  -
Other 16 12 11 17 13 15 9 11 5 4 -20
Unknown charge  -  -  - 2  -  -  -  -  - 1 n/a
Other jurisdiction charge 53 68 56 25 34 35 20 29 31 54 74

Notes: Receptions do not equate to persons received since someone receiving a custodial sentence after a period on remand, or several custodial sentences at different times or from different courts, will be counted more than once (see Section 5 for more detail on counting conventions). Further breakdowns for adults and young offenders by sex are in the web tables accompanying this publication (Tables A.12a-f). During 2011-12, some crime categories were reclassified to align with the current crime code classifications used in the Scottish Government criminal proceedings statistics. This resulted in some changes from previous figures, although this does not appear to have affected the overall trends. The classification for crimes of indecency has also been changed due to changes in legislation. The main changes are shown in the notes on crime categories in Section 5. See Section 5 for definitions of main crime/offence.

1. Includes lewd and libidinous practices pending implementation of the new classification for crimes of indecency.

2. Earlier publications included shoplifting in other theft prior to 2004-05: these categories were revised for the 2009-10 release to ensure a consistent time series.

3. The fall in this offence category may be due in part to changes in recording offences involving threatening/abusive behaviour or stalking as a result of the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010. These would have previously been recorded under the common law offence of breach of the peace, but are currently classified under the category of other miscellaneous offences.



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