
Prison statistics and population projections Scotland: 2011-12

This publication shows data up to 2011-12 on Scottish prison population levels and characteristics, receptions to/liberations from Scottish prisons, and international comparisons. This year it includes prison population projections to 2020-21 which were previously published separately, as well as additional background information and analyses.

Average daily population and maximum number by penal establishment: 2011-12 Table A.2

  Average daily population Maximum number 1
Men Women Total Men Women Total
    Aberdeen 237 4 241 257 7 262
    Addiewell 774  - 774 807  - 807
    Barlinnie 1,528  - 1,528 1,682  - 1,682
    Cornton Vale  - 289 289  - 381 381
    Dumfries 203  - 203 217  - 217
    Edinburgh 841 73 913 947 113 957
    Glenochil 736  - 736 756  - 756
    Greenock 203 54 257 246 66 311
    Inverness 140 4 144 154 6 159
    Kilmarnock 634  - 634 654  - 654
    Low Moss 2 11  - 11 367  - 367
    Open Estate 3 267  - 267 292  - 292
    Perth 699  - 699 730  - 730
    Peterhead 146  - 146 152  - 152
    Shotts 555  - 555 598  - 598
Young Offenders Institutions
    Cornton Vale  - 44 44  - 58 58
    Polmont 737  - 737 784  - 784
Total 7,710 468 8,178 7,974 504 8,461

1. The figures in these columns cannot be added to produce a total 'maximum number' since the individual establishment figures relate to different days during 2011-12.
2. The new prison at Low Moss opened in March 2012.
3. The Open Estate previously operated from two sites at Noranside and Castle Huntly. Noranside was closed in November 2011.



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