
Prison statistics and population projections Scotland: 2011-12

This publication shows data up to 2011-12 on Scottish prison population levels and characteristics, receptions to/liberations from Scottish prisons, and international comparisons. This year it includes prison population projections to 2020-21 which were previously published separately, as well as additional background information and analyses.

Average daily population of sentenced offenders by sentence length: 2002-03 to 2011-12 Table A.3

  2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 % change over past year
Total 5,245 5,367 5,551 5,605 5,614 5,814 6,146 6,440 6,377 6,576 3
Fine default 56 55 51 47 46 28 11 9 9 9 -4
Less than 3 months 88 68 81 101 124 116 98 89 78 50 -36
3 months - less than 6 months 433 403 450 442 444 426 402 350 347 383 10
6 months - less than 2 years 1,176 1,163 1,161 1,214 1,159 1,226 1,567 1,767 1,682 1,822 8
2 years - less than 4 years 814 857 884 913 959 1,058 1,099 1,211 1,183 1,172 -1
4 years or over (excluding life) 1,839 1,932 1,957 1,841 1,702 1,654 1,643 1,631 1,597 1,600  *
Life/Section 205/206 sentences 599 590 612 650 666 696 726 763 800 838 5
Persons recalled from supervision/licence 235 293 351 397 514 610 599 621 681 701 3
Others 6 7 5 1  *  *  -  -  -  -  -
Young offenders 579 552 558 624 644 684 686 719 604 556 -8
Fine default 7 6 5 5 5 2 1 1 1 1  -
Less than 3 months 13 9 9 14 13 13 11 8 6 3 -56
3 months - less than 6 months 63 51 55 57 58 59 50 45 37 34 -8
6 months - less than 2 years 231 216 212 241 241 243 267 307 242 246 2
2 years - less than 4 years 112 111 118 142 136 175 165 182 164 137 -16
4 years or over (excluding life) 131 132 130 127 143 136 134 126 103 94 -9
Life/Section 205/206 sentences 19 19 19 26 30 31 30 22 23 19 -18
Persons recalled from supervision/licence 3 7 8 11 19 25 28 28 26 22 -19
Others  * 1 1  *  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Adults 4,666 4,816 4,993 4,981 4,970 5,130 5,460 5,722 5,774 6,020 4
Fine default 49 49 46 43 41 26 10 8 8 8 -1
Less than 3 months 76 59 71 87 111 102 88 81 72 47 -35
3 months - less than 6 months 370 353 395 386 386 367 352 305 310 349 13
6 months - less than 2 years 945 947 949 972 918 983 1,300 1,460 1,440 1,576 9
2 years - less than 4 years 702 746 766 771 823 883 935 1,029 1,019 1,035 2
4 years or over (excluding life) 1,708 1,799 1,827 1,713 1,559 1,518 1,510 1,505 1,493 1,507 1
Life/Section 205/206 sentences 579 571 592 623 637 664 696 741 776 819 6
Persons recalled from supervision/licence 233 286 343 385 495 585 571 593 655 680 4
Others 5 6 4 1  *  *  -  -  -  -  -
Men 5,045 5,142 5,304 5,355 5,362 5,560 5,868 6,121 6,049 6,216 3
Fine default 51 50 47 43 43 26 10 8 9 8 -5
Less than 3 months 83 62 75 94 116 108 91 83 73 45 -38
3 months - less than 6 months 407 378 421 415 419 402 375 324 319 352 10
6 months - less than 2 years 1,119 1,084 1,075 1,120 1,070 1,133 1,464 1,644 1,554 1,689 9
2 years - less than 4 years 766 817 831 862 904 1,002 1,035 1,128 1,114 1,096 -2
4 years or over (excluding life) 1,793 1,878 1,905 1,792 1,652 1,607 1,595 1,582 1,539 1,529 -1
Life/Section 205/206 sentences 586 573 595 633 649 678 707 739 773 807 4
Persons recalled from supervision/licence 235 291 350 395 510 603 592 614 669 689 3
Others 5 7 5 1  *  *  -  -  -  -  -
Women 200 226 247 250 252 254 278 319 329 360 9
Fine default 5 4 4 4 3 2 1 1  *  *  -
Less than 3 months 5 5 6 7 8 8 7 7 5 5 -9
3 months - less than 6 months 26 25 30 27 25 24 28 26 28 31 10
6 months - less than 2 years 57 79 86 94 90 92 103 123 129 133 3
2 years - less than 4 years 48 41 52 51 55 56 64 83 70 76 9
4 years or over (excluding life) 46 54 52 49 49 47 48 49 58 71 23
Life/Section 205/206 sentences 13 17 16 17 18 18 19 24 26 31 18
Persons recalled from supervision/licence 1 2 1 2 4 7 7 6 13 13 1
Others 1  *  *  *  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

Note: Civil prisoners are excluded from this table.



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