
NHSScotland Staff Governance Standard (4th Edition)

The Staff Governance Standard is a framework for NHSScotland organisations and employees.

Appendix 2: Membership of the Review Group

The review of the Staff Governance Standard was carried out by members of NHSScotland, trade unions and professional organisations and Scottish Government Health Directorates.

John Callaghan - National Staff Side (Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists)
Edwina Cameron - Employee Directors Group (NHS Borders)
Gordon Currie - Scottish Government
John Davidson - Scottish Government
Joyce Davison - British Medical Association
Karen Facey - NHS Forth Valley and NHS Health Scotland
Lindsey Ferries - NHS National Waiting Times Centre
John Gallacher - National Staff Side (UNISON)
Lorraine Hall - NHS Shetland
Jane Hamilton - Scottish Government
Alex Killick - NHS Tayside (until December 2011)
Jeannette Morrison - Scottish Government
Rose Ann O'Shea - Scottish Government
Darren Paterson - Scottish Government
Tom Power - NHS Education for Scotland
Norman Provan - National Staff Side (Royal College of Nursing)
Liz Reilly - Staff Experience Project (NHS Dumfries and Galloway)
Graham Revie - Employee Directors Group (NHS 24)
Shirley Rogers - Scottish Ambulance Service
Caroline Sharp - NHS Dumfries and Galloway
Liesje Turner - Equality and Diversity Advisor to Scottish Government
Sandy Wilkie -Staff Experience Project ( NHS Dumfries and Galloway)
Gary Wilson - Chair, Employee Directors Group (NHS Health Scotland)


Email: Staff Governance Team Mail Box

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