
Scotland's People Annual Report: Results from 2011 Scottish Household Survey

A National Statistics publication for Scotland, providing reliable and up-to-date information on the composition, characteristics, behaviour and attitudes of Scottish households and adults across a number of topic areas including local government, neighbourhoods and transport.

5 Economic Activity

Introduction and Context

The Scottish Government is committed to improving the economic situation and opportunity of people in Scotland, through sustainable economic growth.[45] The Scottish Household Survey (SHS) gathers information about the current economic situation and the characteristics of individuals and households in different economic activity categories.

The information gathered in the SHS about the current economic situation of members of the household is reported by the respondent to the 'household' part of the interview and may not conform to official definitions of employment and unemployment. The SHS has questions on these topics only for selecting the data of particular groups, such as working adults[46] or those who are permanently retired from work, for further analysis or for use as background variables when analysing other topics.

The official source of statistics on employment, unemployment and economic activity is the Labour Force Survey for Scotland and the Annual Population Survey at a local authority level. Results from both surveys are available from the Scottish Government website[47].

In this chapter, the current economic situation of adult men and women is considered. This is followed by an examination of the economic situation of working households, starting with the number of working adults within households. In households with adults of working age,[48] the current economic situation is further analysed by gender and whether an adult has a long standing illness, health problem or disability. The socio-economic classification of working households is also examined. Finally, this chapter explores the current economic situation of women of working age, specifically investigating the impact of women's marital status and whether there are children present in the household.

Main Findings

  • Fifty nine per cent of men and 49% of women are currently in work. Women are more likely to be in part-time employment than men (17% compared with 4%). In contrast self-employment is more common among men than women (9% and 3% respectively).
  • Women's participation in the labour market has increased over recent years. Two-thirds (66%) of working age women are in some form of paid work. Like men, most of the women in paid work are in full-time employment (37%). Unlike men, the next most common option among women is part-time employment; 21% of working age women work part-time.
  • Those who have attained degree level or professional qualifications have the highest proportion in full-time employment (59%). Of those who have no qualifications, less than three-in-ten (29%) are in full-time employment.

Current economic Situation

Figure 5.1 shows the current economic situation of adults by gender. Fifty nine per cent of men and 49% of women are currently in work. In addition, around one in seven (15%) men and one in ten (10%) women are looking for work or are in some form of education or training preparatory to work. Virtually all of the remainder are unavailable for work (27% of men and 41% of women) either currently, due to them looking after the home or family, or because they are permanently sick or disabled, or permanently retired.

Just under half (46%) of all men and 29% of women are in full-time employment. Women are more likely to be in part-time employment than men (17% compared with 4%). In contrast self-employment is more common among men than women (9% and 3% respectively).

Figure 5.1: Current economic situation of adults aged 16 and over

2011 data, Adult males (base: 5,559)

Percentage of adult males

Figure 5.1: Current economic situation of adults aged 16 and over

2011 data, Adult females (base: 7,334)

Percentage of adult females

Figure 5.1: Current economic situation of adults aged 16 and over

Although there are relatively high levels of both men and women in work, there remains some evidence of the traditional model of caring for home and family being a female role. Nine per cent of women report that they are looking after home and family compared with 1% of men.

One-in-five men (20%) and over a quarter (27%) of women are permanently retired from work. The higher proportion of retired women arises as a consequence of their longer life expectancy and the lower retirement age for women.

Working Households

In this section the focus is on working households. Firstly, the number of adults in paid employment[49] in households is examined. Subsequently, adults of working age are investigated in more detail.

Please note that due to changes in the state pension age (specifically the current female state pension age which is changing dynamically to match the male state pension age), the definition of working adults and household is based on any adults aged 16 to 64. Please see the definitions related to economic activity in Annex 2 for further information.

Adults in paid employment

As Figure 5.2 shows, in Scotland as a whole, six in ten households include at least one adult in paid employment. This is made up of a third of households (33%) containing two or more adults in paid employment and 28% having one. The remaining households (39%) contain no adults in paid employment.

The number of working adults in a household varies according to the deprivation levels of the area in which they are situated.[50] A slight majority of households in the 15% most deprived of areas include no adults in paid employment (51%). Conversely the majority of households in the rest of Scotland contain one or more working adult (63% compared with 37% having no adults in paid employment).

Figure 5.2: Number of adults in paid employment by Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

2011 data, Households (base: 14,345; minimum: 2,068)

Figure 5.2: Number of adults in paid employment by Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

Current economic situation of working age adults

Not all households contain adults of working age,[51] so it is useful to look at the current economic situation of men and women in this category. As Table 5.1 shows, men of working age are employed predominantly either full-time (55%) or are self-employed (10%). Taken together with the relatively small proportion of working age men employed part-time, this means that over two-thirds (69%) of adult men of working age are currently engaged in some form of paid work. Six Women's participation in the labour market has increased over recent years. Just over three-fifths (62%) of working age women are in some form of paid work. Like men, most of the women in paid work are in full-time employment (37%). Unlike men, the next most common option among women is part-time employment; 21% of working age women are in part-time employment. Twelve per cent of working age women do not participate in the labour market because they are looking after their home or family.

It is relatively uncommon for men or women of working age to be permanently retired from work (5% males; 7% females). This will under-represent all those who have taken early retirement as some who do so will subsequently take up other employment opportunities.

Table 5.1: Current economic situation of adults of working age by gender

Column percentages, 2011 data

Working age adults (16-64) in employment Male Female All
Self-employed 10 4 7
Full-time employment 55 37 46
Part-time employment 4 21 13
Looking after home/family 1 12 6
Permanently retired from work 5 7 6
Unemployed and seeking work 9 4 6
At school 3 3 3
Higher/further education 7 7 7
Government work/training scheme 0 0 0
Permanently sick or disabled 6 4 5
Unable to work due to short term ill-health 1 1 1
Other 0 0 0
All 100 100 100
Base 4,092 5,123 9,215

There are a number of differences in current economic situation when looking at the highest level of qualification people have achieved. Those who have attained degree level or professional qualifications have the highest proportion in full-time employment (59%). Of those who have no qualifications, less than three-in-ten (29%) are in full-time employment. Similarly, almost one-fifth (18%) of those with no qualifications are permanently sick or disabled, higher than any other groups.

Table 5.2: Current economic situation of adults of working age by highest level of qualification

Column percentages, 2011 data

Working age adults (16-64) in employment Degree, Professional qualification HNC/HND or equivalent Higher, A level or equivalent O' Grade, Standard grade or equivalent Other qualification No qualifications All
Self-employed 8 7 7 6 7 5 7
Full-time employment 59 53 42 42 19 29 46
Part-time employment 12 16 12 13 15 11 13
Looking after home/family 5 4 4 8 6 10 6
Permanently retired from work 7 4 4 3 21 11 6
Unemployed and seeking work 2 7 5 10 11 10 6
At school 0 - 4 7 - 1 3
Higher/further education 5 7 17 4 6 1 7
Government work/training scheme - - 0 1 - - 0
Permanently sick or disabled 1 2 3 4 13 18 5
Unable to work due to short term ill-health 0 0 1 1 1 2 1
Other 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
All 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Base 2,718 1,140 1,585 2,019 262 1,444 9,215

Still focusing on adults of working age, it is possible to compare the differing economic situations of the adults who have a long-standing illness, health problem or disability that limits their daily activities, with those of the rest of the adult population (Table 5.3). Over one-quarter (26%) of adults of working age with a long-standing illness, health problem or disability are permanently sick or disabled. Additionally, 4% are currently unable to work due to short term illness or injury. The biggest difference between those who do or do not have any long-standing limiting illness, health problem or disability lies in the proportion in full-time employment (25% who do as against 51% who do not).

Table 5.3: Current economic situation of adults of working age by long-standing limiting illness, health problem or disability

Column percentages, 2011 data

Working age adults (16-64) in employment Yes, some form of disability and/or long-term illness No disability or long-term illness All
Self-employed 4 8 7
Full-time employment 25 51 46
Part-time employment 8 14 13
Looking after home/family 8 6 6
Permanently retired from work 12 5 6
Unemployed and seeking work 8 6 6
At school 1 3 3
Higher/further education 4 8 7
Government work/training scheme - 0 0
Permanently sick or disabled 26 0 5
Unable to work due to short term ill-health 4 0 1
Other 0 0 0
All 100 100 100
Base 2,029 7,179 9,208

Socio-economic classification of working age adults

The SHS collects information about the current or past employment of the Highest Income Householder and the random adult (if different). The information collected is used to classify households and adults using the National Statistics Socio-Economic and Standard Industrial Classifications (NS-SEC; NS-SIC).[52] Table 5.4 focuses on working adults of working age, comparing the socio-economic classification of those who are self-employed, employed full-time and in part-time employment.

Unsurprisingly, three-fifths (60%) of self-employed people are classified as 'small employers and own account workers' while most of the remainder (28% of self-employed working adults of working age) are in professional occupations.

There is a higher concentration of part-time employment in semi-routine occupations (30% of part-time employees compared with 14% of full-time employees and 1% of self-employed adults of working age). After semi-routine the most common occupations for those in part-time employment are intermediate and lower managerial professional (22% and 18% respectively).

Table 5.4: Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC) by economic situation

Column percentages, 2011 data

Working age adults (16-64) in employment Self- employed Full-time employment Part-time employment All
Higher managerial and professional occupations 12 10 5 9
Lower managerial and professional occupations 16 29 18 25
Intermediate occupations 2 17 22 17
Small employers and own account workers 60 2 1 7
Lower supervisory and technical occupations 0 12 7 9
Semi-routine occupations 1 14 30 17
Routine occupations 4 14 15 13
All (NS-SEC known) 5 3 2 3
Base 339 2,047 862 3,248

Table 5.5 considers how NS-SEC varies between working age women and men. A higher proportion of women than men work in lower managerial and professional, intermediate and in semi-routine occupations. In contrast, men are more often employed in lower supervisory and technical and in routine occupations and, reflecting the higher levels of self-employment among men, to be small employers or own account workers.

Table 5.5: Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC) by gender

Column percentages, 2011 data

Working age adults (16-64) in employment Male Female All
Higher managerial and professional occupations 11 8 9
Lower managerial and professional occupations 22 28 25
Intermediate occupations 10 23 17
Small employers and own account workers 10 5 7
Lower supervisory and technical occupations 15 6 10
Semi-routine occupations 13 21 17
Routine occupations 20 9 14
All (NS-SEC known) 100 100 100
Base 1,212 1,931 3,143

Women of working age

The final section of this chapter focuses on the current economic situation of women of working age, examining the difference in situation firstly according to whether there are children in the household and then by their current marital status.

As Table 5.1 demonstrated previously, the majority of women of working age are in some form of employment. Table 5.6 shows that this remains the case regardless of whether there are children in the household or not; 63% of working age women with children are employed or self-employed, while similarly 61% of working age women without children in the household are also in some form of employment.

The main differences between the two groups of working age women are that a higher proportion of those with no children in the household are employed full-time (43% compared with 28% of those where children are present) while, unsurprisingly, a higher proportion who have children in the household are looking after the home or family (22% compared with 5% of those with no children present).

Table 5.6: Current economic situation of women by presence of children in the household

Column percentages, 2011 data

Working age females (16-64) in employment Yes, have children No children All
Self-employed 5 3 4
Full-time employment 28 43 37
Part-time employment 30 15 21
Looking after home/family 22 5 12
Permanently retired from work 0 12 7
Unemployed and seeking work 5 4 4
At school 3 2 3
Higher/further education 4 8 7
Government work/training scheme 0 0 0
Permanently sick or disabled 2 6 4
Unable to work due to short term ill-health 0 1 1
Other 0 0 0
All 100 100 100
Base 1,990 3,133 5,123

The different economic situation of women of working age according to their current marital status broadly reflects the links between age and marital status (Chapter 2) and between economic situation and presence of children previously discussed (Table 5.6).

Table 5.7 shows, for example, a higher proportion of married working age women are in full time or part-time employment (37% and 25% respectively). Just under one-in-six (16%) of women of working age who have never been married are in higher or further education, reflecting the relatively high proportion of younger people (16-24) who are in this category. A slightly higher proportion of women who are divorced or separated are in full-time employment (42%) as compared to the other martial status groups.

Table 5.7: Current economic situation of women by marital status

Column percentages, 2011 data

Working age females (16-64) in employment Single, never married / civil partnership Married / civil partnership Divorced / Separated Widowed / Bereaved civil partner All
Self-employed 2 6 4 3 4
Full-time employment 36 37 42 22 37
Part-time employment 15 25 21 17 21
Looking after home/family 10 15 8 8 12
Permanently retired from work 2 10 8 33 7
Unemployed and seeking work 7 2 5 3 4
At school 7 0 - - 3
Higher/further education 16 1 1 - 7
Government work/training scheme 0 - - - 0
Permanently sick or disabled 4 3 8 14 4
Unable to work due to short term ill-health 1 0 1 - 1
Other 0 0 0 - 0
All 100 100 100 100 100
Base 1,916 2,159 837 211 5,123


Email: Nic Krzyzanowski

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