
Scottish Inpatient Patient Experience Survey 2012 Volume 2: Technical Report

This report provides technical information on the survey design, sampling, fieldwork and analysis for the Scottish Inpatient Patient Experience Survey 2012.

2 Outputs FROM the inpatient survey


2.1 This section of the report sets out the range of outputs from the survey. Table 1 provides an overview of these and the following paragraphs sets out further detail on each.

Table 1 Overview of reporting and outputs of inpatient survey

Survey outputs Publication date
  • The National Report containing national results for inpatient survey
  • The Technical report detailing the inpatient survey methodology
28th August 2012
  • NHS Board level reporting
28th August 2012
  • Hospital site level reporting
28th August 2012

National report

2.2 The national level report was released on the 28th August 2012. It presents national weighted results for each survey question and compares the results with last year, showing statistically significant changes. It also provides results for the 14 NHS Boards and National Waiting Times Centre (NWTC), and reports on statistically significant differences from last year at the 5% level.

NHS Board and hospital reporting

2.3 Reports are published for the 14 NHS Boards and NWTC, and for 68 hospitals by the Information Services Division (ISD) and are available at:

2.4 These reports provide information on the number of people who were sent a survey and the number who responded. They also provide, information on age, gender and whether respondents' day-to-day activities were limited by a health problem or disability.

2.5 The format is the same as the 2011 reports, with results shown as the percentage positive. This means the percentage of people who answered in a positive way. For example, when asked how much they agreed the main ward or room they stayed in was clean, if patients strongly agreed or agreed these have been counted as positive answers (see Appendix B).

2.6 Bar charts show the percentage positive as green, and the percentage negative as red. The results are compared with those from last year and the Scottish average. Differences are highlighted if they are statistically significant.


Email: Gregor Boyd

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