Self-Directed Support (Direct Payments), Scotland, 2012

Presents the latest figures on the number of people in Scotland who use Direct Payments to purchase and manage for themselves some or all of the social care and support services they need.

Annex Table 6: Number of clients who receive Self-directed Support (Direct Payment) packages by age and client group, 2012

Number of Clients
Client Group 0-17 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ All Ages
People with dementia 0 1 0 20 223 244
People with physical disabilities 175 328 412 592 360 1,867
People with learning disabilities 283 587 207 99 27 1,203
People with physical disabilities & learning disabilties 49 79 28 20 4 180
People with mental health problems 36 40 76 65 45 262
Frail older people - - - 11 973 984
Other 154 64 27 33 31 309
Total 697 1,099 750 840 1,663 5,049

Source: Self-directed Support (Direct Payments) Survey, Scottish Government


Email: Steven Gillespie

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