The Scottish Health Survey 2011 - volume 2: children

Annual report of the Scottish Health Survey for 2011. Volume focussing on child health.

Table 2.6 Causes of accidents, 2009 and 2011 combined, by age and sex

Aged 0 -15 who had an accident in the previous year 2009 and 2011 combined
Cause of accident Age Total
0-7 8-15
% % %
Hit by a falling object 6 2 3
Fall, slip or trip 62 35 45
Road traffic accident 1 1 1
Sports or recreational accident 7 47 33
Use of tool, implement or equipment 4 2 3
Burn or scald 5 1 3
Animal or insect bite or sting 1 0
Another person 7 6 6
Lifting 1 - 0
Other 9 9 9
Hit by a falling object 3 2 2
Fall, slip or trip 72 54 63
Road traffic accident 2 3 3
Sports or recreational accident 7 29 19
Use of tool, implement or equipment 0 1 1
Burn or scald 2 4 3
Animal or insect bite or sting - 1 1
Another person 2 5 4
Lifting - - -
Other 12 3 7
All children
Hit by a falling object 4 2 3
Fall, slip or trip 67 42 52
Road traffic accident 2 2 2
Sports or recreational accident 7 41 27
Use of tool, implement or equipment 2 2 2
Burn or scald 4 2 3
Animal or insect bite or sting - 1 1
Another person 5 6 6
Lifting 1 - 0
Other 10 7 8
Bases (weighted):
Boys 90 169 259
Girls 78 90 168
All children 168 259 427
Bases (unweighted):
Boys 76 131 207
Girls 78 75 153
All children 154 206 360

Note: Columns add to more than 100% because in a few cases more than one injury was recorded.


Email: Julie Ramsay

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