
The Scottish Health Survey 2011 - volume 2: children

Annual report of the Scottish Health Survey for 2011. Volume focussing on child health.

Table 5.4 Children's body mass index (BMI), 2008-2011 combined, by parental body mass index (BMI) and sex

Aged 2-15 with both valid height and weight measurements a with at least one parent with both valid height and weight measurements (main sample only) 2008-2011 combined
BMI status (National BMI percentiles) Parental BMI
Underweight/ healthy weight Overweight Obese
% % %
Underweightb 3.0 2.4 0.9
Healthy weightc 73.5 69.2 56.2
Overweightd 13.1 16.9 18.2
Obese / morbidly obesee 10.4 11.6 24.8
Outwith healthy rangef 26.5 30.8 43.8
Overweight (including obese)g 23.5 28.4 42.9
Underweightb 3.6 2.0 1.4
Healthy weightc 77.8 73.7 61.6
Overweightd 10.1 14.7 15.5
Obese / morbidly obesee 8.5 9.6 21.5
Outwith healthy rangef 22.2 26.3 38.4
Overweight (including obese)g 18.6 24.3 37.0
All children
Underweightb 3.3 2.2 1.1
Healthy weightc 75.7 71.4 58.7
Overweightd 11.6 15.8 16.9
Obese / morbidly obesee 9.4 10.6 23.2
Outwith healthy rangef 24.3 28.6 41.3
Overweight (including obese)g 21.0 26.4 40.1
Bases (weighted):
Boys 445 701 708
Girls 473 693 641
All children 918 1393 1349
Bases (unweighted):
Boys 450 683 717
Girls 449 668 661
All children 899 1351 1378

a Children whose BMI was more than 3 standard deviations above or below the norm for their age were excluded from the table.
b BMI at or below 5th percentile.
c BMI above 5th percentile, below 85th percentile.
d BMI at or above 85th percentile, below 95th percentile.
e BMI at or above 95th percentile.
f BMI at or below 5th percentile, at or above 85th percentile.
g BMI at or above 85th percentile.


Email: Julie Ramsay

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