
The Scottish Health Survey 2011: Volume 1 - Adults

Annual report of the Scottish Health Survey for 2011. Volume focussing on adult health

Table 7.9 Estimated odds ratios for high (or greater)a disease risk, 2008-2011 combined, by associated risk factors and sex

Aged 16 and over with valid height, weight and waist measurements
2008-2011 combined

Independent variables Men Women
Base (weighted) 1877 Odds ratio 95% CIb Base (weighted) 1957 Odds ratio 95% CIb
Age (p<0.001) (p<0.001)
16-24 286 1.00 268 1.00
25-34 309 0.46 0.21, 1.04 291 0.97 0.56, 1.68
35-44 337 1.12 0.52, 2.42 357 1.46 0.85, 2.53
45-54 338 1.35 0.62, 2.98 357 1.78 1.03, 3.07
55-64 289 1.86 0.85, 4.04 290 3.06 1.69, 5.55
65-74 194 1.64 0.67, 4.02 228 2.87 1.48, 5.56
75+ 124 1.65 0.63, 4.29 165 2.10 1.02, 4.32
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation quintile (p=0.326) (p=0.002)
1st (least deprived) 382 1.00 406 1.00
2nd 446 1.18 0.82, 1.68 407 1.43 1.05, 1.95
3rd 359 0.91 0.62, 1.34 390 1.18 0.86, 1.63
4th 343 1.21 0.80, 1.83 355 1.74 1.24, 2.45
5th (most deprived) 346 1.32 0.85, 2.04 398 1.93 1.34, 2.79
Highest education qualification (p=0.038) (p=0.442)
Degree or higher 532 1.00 545 1.00
HNC/D or equiv 225 1.36 0.88, 2.11 212 1.07 0.74, 1.56
Higher grade or equiv 322 0.85 0.54, 1.35 318 1.17 0.84, 1.64
Standard grade or equiv 374 1.37 0.89, 2.10 356 1.15 0.84, 1.59
Other school level 108 1.52 0.94, 2.48 146 1.43 0.94, 2.17
No qualifications/missing information 316 1.64 1.10, 2.46 379 0.96 0.70, 1.33
Economic status (p=0.005) (p=0.018)
In education 155 0.10 0.03,0.39 139 0.56 0.29, 1.07
In paid employment, self-employed or on gov't training/doing something else 1164 1.00 1059 1.00
Permanently unable to work/Looking for/intending to look for paid work 196 1.05 0.67, 1.63 103 0.96 0.56, 1.67
Retired/Looking after home/family 362 0.77 0.50, 1.20 656 0.66 0.49, 0.90
Parental NS-SEC (p=0.820) (p=0.078)
Managerial & professional 514 1.00 486
Intermediate 140 0.89 0.55, 1.42 152 0.73 0.49, 1.10
Small employers & own account workers 161 0.92 0.59, 1.43 188 1.21 0.82, 1.78
Lower supervisory & technical 253 1.00 0.69, 1.45 265 1.10 0.79, 1.53
Semi-routine & routine 485 0.85 0.60, 1.19 579 1.34 1.01, 1.76
Not applicable 324 0.72 0.42, 1.24 287 1.03 0.70, 1.52
Cigarette smoking status (p=0.121) (p=0.016)
Never smoked cigarettes at all 932 1.00 978 1.00
Used to smoke cigarettes occasionally 80 0.83 0.45, 1.53 107 0.69 0.43, 1.10
Used to smoke cigarettes regularly 409 1.01 0.76, 1.35 393 1.24 0.97, 1.59
Current cigarette smoker 456 0.66 0.46, 0.96 479 0.81 0.61, 1.07
Physical activity levels (p<0.001) (p<0.001)
Highc 847 1.00 667 1.00
Medium 522 1.89 1.40, 2.55 675 1.72 1.35, 2.20
Low 508 2.41 1.72, 3.36 615 2.56 1.96, 3.34
Marital status (p=0.005) (p=0.348)
Married/civil partnership 968 1.00 954 1.00
Living as married 225 0.84 0.54, 1.30 223 0.92 0.64, 1.33
Single 506 0.63 0.41, 0.96 410 0.77 0.54, 1.10
Married/civil partnership - separated/ Divorced/dissolved civil partnership 112 0.52 0.35, 0.79 180 0.78 0.56, 1.07
Widowed/surviving civil partner 65 0.54 0.31, 0.93 189 0.82 0.58, 1.18
Self-assessed health (p=0.027) (p=0.590)
Very good/good 1463 1.00 1530 1.00
Fair 308 1.61 1.14, 2.29 300 1.15 0.84, 1.56
Bad/very bad 106 1.33 0.79, 2.25 126 1.22 0.76, 1.97
Longstanding illness (p=0.749) (p=0.036)
Limiting longstanding illness 418 1.00 529 1.00
Non limiting longstanding illness 319 1.16 0.79, 1.68 308 1.22 0.88, 1.69
No longstanding illness 1140 1.08 0.77, 1.52 1119 0.85 0.64, 1.14

a High (or greater) is composed of those classified as at 'high', 'very high' or 'extremely high' risk according to the disease risk classification system endorsed in the SIGN guidelines on obesity management (SIGN 115).
b Confidence interval.
c High= 30 minutes or more on at least 5 days a week (this group represents those who meet the current physical activity recommendations); Medium= 30 minutes or more on 1 to 4 days a week; Low= fewer than 30 minutes of moderate or vigorous activity a week.


Email: Julie Ramsay

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