
Fire Statistics Scotland 2011-12

Fire Statistics Scotland 2011-12

Table 11: Rate of casualties from primary fires 2002-03 to 2011-12p - Scotland

  Fatal Casualties Non-Fatal Casualties1 Non-Fatal Casualties - excluding precautionary check-ups1  
Year Number Rate per million population Number Rate per million population Number Rate per million population Scotland's Population2
2002-03(3) 80 15.8 1,876 371.1 1,036 205.0 5,054,800
2003-04 89 17.6 1,951 385.8 1,047 207.0 5,057,400
2004-05 85 16.7 1,730 340.7 943 185.7 5,078,400
2005-06 60 11.8 1,692 332.1 916 179.8 5,094,800
2006-07 46 9.0 1,673 327.0 896 175.1 5,116,900
2007-08 72 14.0 1,719 334.2 909 176.7 5,144,200
2008-09 64 12.4 1,648 318.9 888 171.8 5,168,500
2009-10r 62 11.9 1,214 233.7 949 182.7 5,194,000
2010-11r 52 10.0 1,328 254.3 1,091 208.9 5,222,100
2011-12p 57 10.8 1,398 266.0 1,088 207.0 5,254,800


p - provisional

r - revised

1 - there has been a change in the recording of non-fatal casualties and 2009-10 and beyond can no longer be compared to previous years - see paragraph 6.5.2 ii for details

2 - NRS: Mid-Year Estimates h

3 - does not include incidents that occurred during national industrial action in November 2002, January 2003 and February 2003


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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