Long-Term Monitoring of Health Inequalities: Headline Indicators - October 2012

An Official Statistics publication for Scotland. An annual report of headline indicators of health inequalities, including data for most indicators to 2010.


1. The first Long-Term Monitoring of Health Inequalities report (published 2008) is available here: http://scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2008/09/25154901/0

2. Equally well (2008), http://scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2008/06/25104032/0

3. What is the shape of the dose-response relationship between markers of socioeconomic status and health status indicators: https://www.scphrp.ac.uk/node/193

4. Best Practice Guidelines for Monitoring Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health Status: Lessons from Scotland: https://www.scphrp.ac.uk/node/244

5. Technical paper available at: http://www.scotpho.org.uk/population-dynamics/healthy-life-expectancy/references

6. There has been an update to the methodology used to produce data for this indicator. Results for 1997-2006, on a consistent basis to the latest figures, are undergoing further quality assurance and will be published with the next update

7. See Sergeant JC, Firth D. Relative index of inequality: definition, estimation, and inference. Biostatistics 2006;7:213-24 for further details


Email: John Dowens

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