Scottish Health Survey - topic report: equality groups

Topic report in the Scottish Health Survey series providing breakdowns of key health behaviours and outcomes by gender, age, ethnic group, religion, disability and sexual orientation.

References and Notes for Section Six

1. NHS Health Scotland. Health in our Multi-ethnic Scotland. Future Research Priorities. Glasgow:
NHS Health Scotland; 2009.
3. NHS Health Scotland. Health in our Multi-ethnic Scotland. Future Research Priorities. Glasgow:
NHS Health Scotland; 2009.
4. Yeh, M., Ickles, S.B., Lowestein, L.M. Shuval, K. Ammerman, A.S. Farris, R. and Katz, D.L. (2008) Understanding barriers and facilitators of fruit and vegetable consumption among a diverse multi-ethnic population. Health Promotion International, Vol 23 No. 1: 42-51
5. NHS Health Scotland (2010) Dimensions of Diversity:
6. Sabaté, J. (2004) Invited commentary: Religion, diet and research. British Journal of Nutrition. 92: 199-201
7. NHS Health Scotland (2010) Dimensions of Diversity: p111


Email: Julie Ramsay

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