Domestic abuse: statistics recorded by the police in Scotland - 2010/11 and 2011/12

Domestic Abuse Recorded by the Police in Scotland, 2010-11 and 2011-12

Table 10b Incidents of domestic abuse recorded by the police, 2011-12, where incidents against the victim had previously been recorded, by police force area and number of previous incidents


Number of previous incidents1
1 incident 2-3 incidents 4-5 incidents 6-10 incidents 11 or more incidents TOTAL
Central2 - - - - - -
Dumfries & Galloway 244 190 85 104 53 676
Fife 637 792 534 634 839 3,436
Grampian 651 624 370 395 498 2,538
Lothian & Borders3 - - - - - -
Northern 327 203 69 26 8 633
Strathclyde 5,645 5,312 2,423 2,196 877 16,453
Tayside 345 292 131 109 46 923
TOTAL 7,849 7,413 3,612 3,464 2,321 24,659

1. Forces can only identify a repeat victim if s/he has been previously entered onto their database. The longer the database has been in existence, the more likely it is that a repeat victim can be recognised as such. Police forces have maintained their databases over different periods and the proportion of identified repeat victims varies accordingly.

2. Central and Grampian are currently unable to provide information on repeat incidents.

3. Lothian & Borders are currently unable to provide detailed information about previous incidents.


Email: Jan Young

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