
Criminal Proceedings in Scotland 2011-12

This bulletin forms part of the Scottish Government series of statistical bulletins on the criminal justice system.

Table 16 Number and percentage of bail orders issued to individuals accused of crimes or offences, by gender and age, in 2011-12

1 2 3 >3 Total
Female 4,328 755 259 216 5,558
Male 22,375 4,487 1,449 918 29,229
Under 21 4,191 996 405 325 5,917
21-30 9,727 2,084 667 403 12,881
Over 30 12,788 2,163 636 406 15,993
Total1,2 26,706 5,243 1,708 1,134 34,791

Per cent
1 2 3 >3 Total
Female 78 14 5 4 100
Male 77 15 5 3 100
Under 21 71 17 7 5 100
21-30 76 16 5 3 100
Over 30 80 14 4 3 100
Total1,2 77 15 5 3 100

1. Contains a small number of bail orders where gender and/or age are unknown.
2. Excludes modifications to existing bail orders. People counted once only where more than one bail order on the same day.


Email: Howard Hooper

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