Forensic Paediatrics A Report by the Short Life Working Group
Report outlining findings and recommendations from expert group
Annex B: NHSScotland Healthcare Quality Strategy: Quality Outcomes and Indicators Quality Outcomes and Indicators
The NHS Scotland healthcare Quality Strategy sets the overall direction for achieving NHS Scotland's aim of delivering the highest quality of healthcare services to people in Scotland.
The Quality Alliance Board agreed six healthcare Quality Outcomes which provide a comprehensive description of the priority area for improvement in support of the Quality Ambitions.
The six healthcare Quality Outcomes are:
1. Everyone gets the best start in life, and is able to live a longer healthier life.
2. People are able to live well at home or in the community.
3. Healthcare is safe for every person, every time.
4. Everyone has a positive experience of healthcare.
5. Staff feel supported and engaged.
6. The best use is made of available resources.
Email: Fiona McKinlay
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